World Coal-fired Boiler Forecast is Hot Topic Hour for January 29, 2009

At 10:00 a.m. CST on Thursday, January 29, McIlvaine will provide an analysis of the future of coal-fired power.  Forecasts for additions and retirements for each country have been recently updated in the McIlvaine report, NO43 Coal-fired Boilers: World Analysis and Forecasts. Summaries by region will be displayed in the webinar.

The market drivers including demand, cost, and environmental impact will be discussed.  The role of greenhouse gases and renewable energy will be addressed.

A new tool, Important Event Odds, will be introduced.  What are the odds of a CO2 trading value of $10, $20 or $50/ton?  What are the odds of $100/barrel oil and $15/MMBtu gas?

Europe is building many coal-fired power plants as replacements for existing inefficient coal-fired power plants.  This is a major greenhouse gas reduction strategy.  Should the U.S. pursue the same strategy?  How much additional CO2 reduction is achievable with ultrasupercriticals plus co-firing?

This is tied into another question, what is the minimum useful life of a new coal-fired power plant?  If alternative energy is very expensive, it can be argued that it is justifiable to put in a new coal-fired power plant even if its fate after 15 years is uncertain.

Could new coal-fired power plants be permitted for a maximum lifetime CO2 emission?

Eco-efficiency, which factors in cost and environmental burden, is a tool to determine the value of building new coal-fired power plants.  McIlvaine has created a universal environmental burden index where NOx, mercury, CO2, water burdens, resource depletion, and health and safety can be aggregated into one environmental burden number.  This allows one energy source to be compared directly with another.

McIlvaine personnel will be making the initial presentations, but contributions from the participants are expected to provide equal value.  So, if you would like to just listen or would like to inject your comments, you can register at: .


Bob McIlvaine

847 784-0012