Network at Power-Gen on the Most Important Issues

If you are a utility with questions or a supplier/consultant with answers on solutions for MATS, CCR, ELG, gas turbine air treatment or power plant drives, you will want to participate in a unique new service at Power-Gen.  All we need from you is your expression of interest, e-mail and mobile numbers and we will make sure you are included.

With the air toxics, coal combustion residue and wastewater ELGs utilities are faced with difficult decisions. McIlvaine is introducing free decision systems to help make the best choices.  One aspect is the creation of route maps from one decision tree to another.  These route maps are being utilized at Power-Gen so that utilities can network, visit exhibit stands and attend speeches most efficiently.  There are four route maps already underway:Top of Form


·         Power-Gen 2013 Will Aid in Your CCR and Effluent Guidelines Decisions

·         Power-Gen 2013 Will Aid in Your Drive Selection Decisions

·         Power-Gen 2013 Will Aid in Your Gas Turbine Air Treatment Decisions

·         Power-Gen 2013 Will Aid in Your MATS Decisions

These route maps are being constantly updated. When we receive your input, it will be posted within the day.  We will be updating and coordinating up to and through the show.


Power-Gen 2013 Will Aid in Your CCR and Effluent Guidelines Decisions

There is a good panel discussion on this important subject which deals with how the utilities should tackle the upcoming ash and effluent regulations.  United Conveyor and Clyde Bergemann are among the exhibitors with hardware solutions.  Dennis Fink of CH2M Hill will be a speaker on the subject and will be available throughout the show through mobile phone and at the CH2M Hill stand. Bryan Hansen of Burns & McDonnell will be speaking on the FGD wastewater implications and will be available throughout the three days.

There are a number of other consultants listed but without the specific contacts/schedules. We need these.  Gordon Maller of URS gave a presentation in one of our webinars on this subject and re-introduced the very promising approach of mixing gypsum, lime and flyash and permanently fixing the waste.  If Gordon is going to be on hand or if one of the other URS people can address this option, we should be provided with the appropriate schedule information.

There are a number of speakers from Sargent & Lundy one of whom recently presented on CCR in a McIlvaine webinar. So hopefully there will be someone available to network on the subject.

Look over the route map and, if it is applicable, send us your e-mail, mobile # and schedule. If you are an exhibitor and we missed your involvement, we can rectify it based on your input.

Power-Gen 2013 Will Aid in Your Drive Selection Decisions

Improving the efficiency power plant drives is one of the best ways to improve profits and reduce pollutants per kWh.  The optimum integration of the motor selection with the rest of the drive train is one of the opportunities.  There are numerous variable speed, geared and direct combinations which may best fit a conveyor, fan, pump or rotary heat exchanger. Here is your opportunity to tap the wisdom of the system suppliers, consultants and the drive suppliers.

There is really only one applicable speech (direct drives for cooling towers by ABB). However a number of suppliers of motors, inverters and complete drives will be exhibitors.

We have identified thirteen decision trees among fans/compressors, material handling and size reduction.  Exhibitors for each are identified. We are still working on a number of decision trees for pumps and will add this to the above linked document in the next few days.

Each of these equipment exhibitors has extensive drive expertise. We are seeking contacts at the stands who can address the drive questions. The same is true of the consultants. In the route map, we have excerpted from a Sargent & Lundy/CPS paper on variable speed drives for sorbent injection.

Through mobile communication we expect to improve the networking. David Jackson of Siemens will be roving and focused on impromptu discussions.

To make sure you are included, send us your area of interest, contact information and schedule during the show.


Power-Gen 2013 Will Aid in Your Gas Turbine Air Treatment Decisions

The selection of intake air filter influences your selection of catalyst.  If you use a more efficient filter, you can use a narrower pitch catalyst.  This is just one reason to integrate all your decisions about gas turbine air treatment from the inlet weather protector through the exhaust stack.

There some good speeches relative to air intake filters (Camfill Farr and GE) and other components. Alstom is giving a speech on fogging. There are no speeches on catalysts, but there is one on an alternative.

There are many exhibitors offering filters, conditioning, catalysts, SCR, silencers and duct burners.  There are likely to be many consultants with knowledge. Last year we organized one good networking event. We met at the Pneumafil booth and a consultant explained how a highly efficient inlet filter is necessary in many areas just to meet the emission limits. If the air entering the intake is dirtier than the quality required in the discharge, then removal is needed.  This year we want to expand such conversations.


Check out all the decision stops in this GDPS and let us know where you want to participate.


Power-Gen 2013 Will Aid in Your MATS Decisions

The MATS decisions loom large on the agenda for most power plants.  Decisions on how to reduce mercury, HCl and toxic metals impact decisions relative to soil and water. The potential expense is high enough to generate considerations of plant retirement, so there is a very complicated decision route map.

The good news and bad news is that there are a number of new and potentially cost-effective options for meeting the limits.  The bad news is that lots of investigation and analysis is needed to make the right decisions.

There are lots of good speeches and exhibits on the subject at Power-Gen.  Sargent & Lundy has a number of presentations. CH2M Hill is also a presenter.  All of these speakers will be there for the full conference and are available.

There are exhibitors representing each of the decision trees. Some have novel solutions. For example, Neumann can recover and reuse the sodium used in DSI.

McIlvaine created a similar route map for the air quality conference a few weeks ago.


By comparing these two route maps you have a good insight into the available technology.  Some of the most important decisions hinge on sorbent efficiency. As a result, we would like schedules of the representatives of the lime companies who are roving.


Send us your area of interest, contact information and schedule

If you would like to network on any of these subjects at Power-Gen, just send us the contact and schedule information.  You can just reply to this e-mail or send the information to:



World FGD Market Will Dip This Year but Increase 40 Percent By 2015

Due to substantial Chinese investment plus a bubble in U.S. spending, the flue gas desufurization (FGD) market will increase 49 percent between 2013 and 2015.  FGD investment in 2015 will be just under $4.3 billion. This is the latest forecast in FGD Markets and Strategies published by the McIlvaine Company.  (

($ Millions)









 Dry Lime








 Wet Calcium




In the last five years, the two markets accounting for most of the FGD investment have been the U.S. and China.  The Chinese market remains strong, but is below its peak year.  The U.S. market is much smaller now than in 2010.  It will rebound somewhat over the next two years. This is due to the new air toxic laws.

The new toxic pollutant regulations in the U.S. require removal of HCl.   Scrubbers which remove HCl also remove SO2.  As a result, EPA says the corollary reduction of the SO2 will be one of the biggest health benefits of the new regulations.

The larger and newer power plants in the U.S. already have scrubbers. So the new regulation primarily involves the older and smaller power plants. Many of these power plants are planning on taking a route with high operating costs and low capital costs.  The reason is that remaining life of these power plants is in question. The preferred option is to avoid the capital cost of a scrubber by injecting lime or sodium into the duct prior to the precipitator. This is called dry sorbent injection (DSI).

There are two problems with this approach.  The annual sorbent cost can be prohibitive. The efficiency may not be high enough to meet the requirements when high chlorine fuels are burned.

Since necessity is the motherhood of invention, there have been some new developments to make this approach more cost effective.  New high efficiency lime sorbents have been developed.  So, in most cases, dry injection followed by a precipitator will provide the required efficiency.

Another approach is the recovery and reuse of sodium sorbents in a process where calcium sulfate is the waste product.  This appears to offer both the high efficiency needed and the low annual sorbent cost.

For more information on FGD Markets and Strategies, click on:


Top Eight Thermal/Catalytic Treatment Suppliers Have 18 Percent of the World Market

The market for companies selling thermal oxidizers, regenerative thermal oxidizers, catalytic oxidizers, replacement catalysts and packing in 2012 was $1.8 billion. The leading eight suppliers captured fewer than 18 percent of the market.  This is the conclusion reached by the McIlvaine Company in Thermal Catalytic World Air Pollution Markets published by the McIlvaine Company.  (



% Of Total Market























Suppliers include companies oriented around catalysts such as Johnson Matthey and BASF.  They also include companies who make the systems which cause volatile organic compound emissions. This would include Durr, Eisenmann and MEGTEC.  A third category is companies such as Anguil who are focused on the air pollution control industry.

These totals do not include flare system revenues or revenues where both liquids and gases are incinerated.  Thus, many oil and gas applications are not included.

There are twenty additional companies which accounted for 2012 revenues of $150 million. The balance of just under $1.3 billion was generated by two hundred companies averaging less than $1 million in 2012 revenues.


For more information on Thermal Catalytic World Air Pollution Markets, click on:



Air Filter Market Will Exceed $6.9 Billion In 2014

The market for filters to purify air recirculating within commercial and industrial facilities as well as residences will exceed $6.9 billion next year. This is the latest forecast in Air Filtration & Purification World Market published by the McIlvaine Company.  (

($ Millions)











Cabin Air


 Other Industries






The commercial market will be the largest due to the large volume of air which must be purified. It is also a function of the selection of relatively high priced filters.  The cabin air market includes the air in the breathing zone in land vehicles as well as ships and oil platforms.

The power market reflects the use of inlet air filtration for gas turbines.  The filters used on coal-fired power plant stacks are included in a separate McIlvaine report. The gas turbine intake market is forecast to double over the next few years. One reason is the growing use of gas turbines for power generation as well as for industrial power.  The bigger reason is the movement toward high efficiency filters and away from medium efficiency filters.

New studies show that with the latest generation of high performance turbines filtration efficiency is critical.  Very small particles build up on the rotating surfaces and cause a loss in turbine output.  Switching to filters with up to four times the cost of existing filters will make such a difference in turbine performance as to quickly justify the higher cost.

For more information on Air Filtration & Purification World Market, click on:


Renewable Energy Briefs

Minnesota Power’s Great Northern Transmission Line will ‘Unlock a Powerful Synergy’ between Wind and Hydro Power

Citing the benefits of additional clean energy to power electric growth across a stronger regional electric grid, ALLETE division Minnesota Power recently outlined the public need for a 500-kilovolt (kV) Manitoba-Minnesota transmission line.

The Duluth-based company filed October 21, 2013 with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) a Certificate of Need application for the approximately 240-mile 500 kV Great Northern Transmission Line, which will link to a Manitoba Hydro transmission line at the Canada-U.S. border, and will carry renewable hydro power from the province of Manitoba, Canada, to a Minnesota Power electric substation on Minnesota’s Iron Range. The international transmission interconnection is needed to support delivery of hydroelectric energy from Manitoba Hydro to the U.S. from two new generating stations under development in northern Manitoba that will be capable of producing more than 2,000 megawatts (MW) of renewable electricity.

The Great Northern Transmission Line will facilitate the delivery of at least 750 MW of energy into the U.S. Beginning in June 2020, Minnesota Power will utilize the Line to deliver 250 MW from Manitoba Hydro through a power purchase agreement approved by the MPUC in early 2012. In addition, the two utilities recently finalized a term sheet outlining how Minnesota Power will purchase additional energy and substantially expand its energy storage opportunities using the new transmission asset.

Vestas’ De-icing System Improves Power Production in Cold Climates

The Vestas De-icing System (VDS) boosts the business case for operating wind power plants in cold climates.

According to the BTM World Market Update 2012, severe icing can potentially reduce wind turbines’ annual energy production by more than 20 percent, directly impacting the business case for wind power plants in cold climates. VDS has been developed to detect and efficiently remove ice formed on wind turbine blades, maintaining full power production – and therefore revenue generation for customers - through the winter months.

"The VDS is an active de-icing solution consisting of an ice detection system and a hot air flow unit within the blades. The hot air flow targets the blade’s most critical parts to efficiently melt ice build-up, with no negative impact on the noise level or overall performance of the turbine," explains Chief Technology Officer Anders Vedel.

"VDS will provide significant value to customers who want to harness the potential of wind power in colder climates with icing risk such as North America as well as the northern and central regions in Europe, which were previously not economically feasible due to the risk of ice affecting power production," he says.

Vestas has successfully tested a concept de-icing solution in Canada for the past winter season. The first prototype for the VDS has been installed at a site in Sweden and will be tested throughout the winter. An order has already been received for the first four VDS units, to be installed on a V112-3.3 MW project in Austria in 2014.

Canadian Solar Begins Construction of 100 MWac Utility Scale Solar Power Plant in Ontario

Canadian Solar Inc. announced that its subsidiary, Canadian Solar Solutions Inc., has begun construction of the 100 MWac Grand Renewable Solar Project utility-scale solar farm. The Grand Renewable Solar Project is Canada's largest photovoltaic (PV) project, and is being financed by Connor Clark & Lunn Infrastructure and developed by Samsung Renewable Energy Inc. (Samsung).

Under the previously announced agreement, the solar power plant is expected to be fully operational in 2015. This agreement is expected to generate revenue of approximately C$310 million (U.S.$301.1 million) for Canadian Solar, including Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) services, which were awarded to Canadian Solar by Grand Renewable Solar LP (GRS) in June 2013.

The 100 MWac utility-scale solar power plant, which is located in the Haldimand County, will include approximately 440,000 Canadian Solar CS6X high performance modules.

Hawaiian Electric Requests Approval to Move Forward with 15 MW Solar Energy Project

As part of its commitment to bring more low-cost clean energy online, Hawaiian Electric Company , subsidiary of Hawaiian Electric Industries, has filed a request with the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission to proceed with the development of a 15-megawatt photovoltaic system on undeveloped land at the Kahe Generating Station.

Developing the project on land owned by Hawaiian Electric helps to reduce the cost to customers. Based on preliminary estimates, the project, over its lifespan, would reduce the overall cost of generating electricity on O’ahu by $64 million while displacing approximately 1.8 million gallons of oil per year.

This level of savings is equivalent to a 20-year power purchase agreement with a price of 14.5 cents per kilowatt-hour. That is significantly less than the cost of using oil to produce power, which is currently estimated at 22.7 cents per kWh.

Chicago Announces New Solar Initiative and Online Interconnection Tool

The City of Chicago announced a new process that will cut down on the soft costs associated with installing solar technologies and connecting them with ComEd’s municipal energy grid.

As hardware costs for solar panels have dropped, soft costs, or the costs of permitting, labor and financing solar installations have remained stubbornly level. Chicago’s plan includes a new online permit platform that will reduce permit wait times from 30 days to 1 day.

Along with the expedited permitting process, Chicago’s Department of Buildings has published new guidelines, outlining clear steps for general contractors to follow for designing both small and large systems to City standards, making requirements clearer and making doing business with the City easier. Significantly lowering the cost to install a large rooftop solar arrays, the new guidelines update structural design requirements to recognize improvements in the design of ballasted systems over recent years.

Other reforms include simplifying the zoning process by providing policy interpretation and design guidance for all solar types in all sectors and streamlining the process for connecting solar panels to the electric grid. This partnership will introduce the Online Interconnection and Net Metering Enrollment, a tool to be launched by ComEd by year-end that will allow applicants to submit, track, and pay for applications through an online platform. This will enable applicants to connect their solar generator to the grid and receive credit on their bills for producing their own electricity.

For more information on Renewable Energy Projects and Update please visit



Headlines for the October 25, 2013 – Utility E-Alert      



#1148– October 25, 2013


Table of Contents 



  • NRG to acquire Edison Mission Energy for $2.6 Billion
  • Presque Isle Cannot Close
  • Sherburne County Unit 3 returns to Service after Nearly Two Years
  • Groups sue EPA to Clean up Seven Coal-fired Power Plants in Pennsylvania
  • Rocky Mountain Power’s 188 MW Carbon Power Plant to retire in 2014
  • Dairyland Power Alma to retire by 2015
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions from US Power Plants fell between 2010 and 2012




  • African Energy Resources, ACWA Power submit EOI for 300 MW Power Plant in Botswana
  • India Cabinet Committee on Investment to discuss Five Stalled Power Projects
  • Mudajaya Group wants to bid for 4,000 MW Power Projects in India
  • Lambton Power Plant in Ontario, Canada is Retired
  • DMCI considering Biomass Co-firing for Aborlan, Palawan, Philippines Power Project
  • Delay in Commissioning Norochcholai Unit 2 (Sri Lanka)
  • Doosan to Construct 2x1000 MW Sinboryeong 1, 2 in Korea
  • Kepco to build 200 MW Cadiz Power Project in Indonesia
  • Malaysia to build Tajikistan Coal-fired 300 MW Power Station




  • LEPA to build 64 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant in Morgan City
  • Duke Energy files Environmental Permit for Potential 750 MW Combined Cycle Lee Power Plant




  • Wärtsilä to supply 184 MW Peaking Power Plant in Indonesia
  • Tata Steel wants to build 110 MW Power Plant at Port Talbot Works




  • Duke Energy Levy County Nuclear Power Plant Cancelled
  • Iran to construct Nuclear Power Plant on the Persian Gulf Coast
  • UK signs Deal with EDF for Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Plant
  • Vietnam embarking on Nuclear Power Plant Building Program
  • Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project (Maharashtra, India) Delayed




  • TVA working on Integrated Resource Plan
  • APR, GE form Strategic Alliance on Mobile Gas Turbines
  • $13 Billion Market for Gas Turbine Air Treatment In 2014
  • Tanzania signs Contracts with Chinese Companies for Power Projects




§  130 Presenters updated Attendees on the Latest Air Pollution Developments




  • MATS, CCR, Effluent Guidelines, Gas Turbine Air Treatment and Power Plant Drives Coordination at Power-Gen




  • "Chinese FGD and SCR Program and Impact on the World" will be Hot Topic Next Week

§  Upcoming Hot Topic Hours


For more information on the Utility Tracking System, click on:


McIlvaine Hot Topic Hour Registration

On Thursday at 10 a.m. Central time, McIlvaine hosts a 90 minute web meeting on important energy and pollution control subjects. Power webinars are free for subscribers to either Power Plant Air Quality Decisions or Utility Tracking System. The cost is $125.00 for non-subscribers. Market Intelligence webinars are free to McIlvaine market report subscribers and are $400.00 for non-subscribers.


Non-Subscribers Cost


 Webinar Type

November 21, 2013


Wet vs Dry ESP      


December 5, 2013


Update on Gasification Projects and Technology      


December 12, 2013


Selecting FGD Scrubber Components      


December 19, 2013


Application of U.S. Mercury Control Technology in Other Countries      


January 9, 2014


Improving ESP Performance      


January 16, 2014


Corrosion Issues and Materials for APC Systems      


January 23, 2014


Co-Firing Sewage Sludge, Biomass and Municipal Waste      


January 30, 2014


Impact of Ambient Air Quality Rules on Fossil Fueled Boilers and Gas Turbines      


February 6, 2014


Review of EUEC      


February 13, 2014


NOx Catalyst Performance on Mercury and SO3      


February 20, 2014


CFB Technology and Clean Coal (Update on CFB Reactor Technology)      


February 27, 2014


Dry FGD: Spray Dry vs. CFB vs. DSI      


March 6, 2014


Update on IGCC (Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle)      


March 13, 2014


Update on Oxy-Fuel Combustion      


March 20, 2014


Air Preheaters & Heat Exchangers       


March 27, 2014


Mercury Control and Removal      


April 3, 2014


HRSG Design, Operation and Maintenance Considerations     


April 10, 2014


Measurement and Control Instrumentation for Power Plants      


April 17, 2014


Measurement and Control of PM2.5      


April 24, 2014


Status of Carbon-to-Liquid Projects and Technology      


May 1, 2014


Renewable Energy, Status, Options, Technology Update      


May 8, 2014


Valves for Power Plant Steam and Cooling Water      


May 15, 2014


Water Treatment During Gas and Oil Production      


May 22, 2014


Advances in Coal Blending     


May 29, 2014


Clean Coal Technologies      


June 5, 2014


Material Handling in Fossil Fueled Power Plants      


June 12, 2014


Industrial Boiler MACT - Impact and Control Options      


June 19, 2014


Multi-emissions Control Technologies     


June 26, 2014


Next Generation of Coal Combustion Technologies     


July 10, 2014


Compliance Strategies for PM2.5


On Thursday at 10 a.m. Central time, McIlvaine hosts a 90 minute web meeting on important energy and pollution control subjects. Power webinars are free for subscribers to either Power Plant Air Quality Decisions or Utility Tracking System. The cost is $125.00 for non-subscribers. Market Intelligence webinars are free to McIlvaine market report subscribers and are $400.00 for non-subscribers.

To register for the "Hot Topic Hour", click on:


You can register for our free McIlvaine Newsletters at:


Bob McIlvaine
847 784 0012 ext 112

191 Waukegan Road Suite 208 | Northfield | IL 60093
Ph: 847-784-0012 | Fax; 847-784-0061