Measurement and Control of PM2.5 is the Hot Topic for October 1, 2009


Join us at 10:00 a.m. Central time on October 1 to learn about regulatory and technical developments relative to fine particle measurement and control.  Fine particles are known to cause more health problems than any other type of pollutant.  New ambient limits will drive considerable investment in filters to remove discrete particles and in acid gas removal systems to reduce secondary particulate (sulfates and nitrates).  Measurement of PM2.5 is a challenge due in part to the inclusion of condensables.  PM2.5 is also being used as a surrogate for toxic metal limits.  An instrument which can measure a number of metal species provides an interesting additional tool.  Our five speakers have unique perspectives and will be covering all of these topics.  They are:


Jeff Ladwig

Global Product Manager BHA-TEX

GE Energy


Dr. John Cooper, President

Cooper Environmental Services LLC


Tom Rose, President

ETA (Eastern Technical Associates)


Ron Myers

Senior Engineer/Environmental

U.S. EPA/Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards


Bob Crynack, President

Indigo Technologies





To register for the “Hot Topic Hour” on Thursday, October 1, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. CDT, click on: .




Bob McIlvaine

847 784-0012 ext. 112