Complex Unintended Consequences Obscure the Path Forward for Air Pollution Control

A small Ohio town no longer exists thanks to the unintended consequences of air pollution control. A nearby power plant spent hundreds of millions of dollars to reduce NOx.  The catalyst not only reduced the NOx it converted SO2 to sulfuric acid.  Within a few days, the acid deposition did such great damage to the buildings in the town that the utility agreed to buy the complete town and pay for relocations.  In the ensuing decade, catalyst suppliers have redesigned their product to eliminate this problem.

New mercury regulations have such low emission limits that the instrument just to measure gaseous mercury can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Prior to issuing the regulation, EPA tested a number of stacks and found that all the mercury existed in gaseous form.  Therefore, the regulations only required measurement of gaseous mercury.  In response to the regulation requirements, power plants, cement plants and waste-to-energy plants embraced a two-step solution.

Step one was to convert the gaseous mercury to particulate mercury.  Step two was to remove the particulate mercury.  The end result is that if step one is very efficient and step two is not, there is lots of particulate mercury being emitted.  Another unintended consequence is that particulate mercury will not travel far, whereas gaseous mercury can transverse the globe.  Even though this problem has been evident for a few years, there is still no proposed change in the regulations.

The recent regulation of many pollutants combined with new technology which makes it possible to remove all the pollutants in one device has greatly increased the use of fabric filters. However, there has not been a recognition of what McIlvaine describes as “The importance of FIFO vs. LIFO in Dust Cake creation.”

Direct sorbent injection (DSI) and embedded catalyst dictate a new approach to bag cleaning.  In addition to discrete particle capture, bag filters are being tasked with:


The importance of the method of bag cleaning can be illustrated by use of the accounting approach to inventory. Two options are first in first out (FIFO) and last in first out (LIFO).  If the price paid stays the same, the choice between the two accounting methods makes no difference.  But, if the cost of recent inventory is greatly different than the past, then the accounting method makes a big impact on profits.

The capture of discrete particles is the equivalent of price parity.  Let’s say that when you pulse a bag you are always discharging the latest particles to arrive and the remaining cake consists of the earliest. Since the ability of a matrix of dust particles to act as a filtration medium does not change, it does not matter which particles remain.  In fact, maintaining a somewhat permanent layer of cake protects the fabric from wear.  Also a more permanent cake provides higher dust capture.  It has been shown that on-line cleaning results in some re-deposit of dust particles.  But this is does not impact discrete particle capture efficiency.

The new paradigm with DSI is a big price difference. The newly arrived lime particle has the capability to absorb acid gases. The lime particle deposited earlier is already converted to calcium sulfate and provides no additional absorption capability. The semi-permanent cake layer is very undesirable for acid gas capture. Mercury re-emission is also a risk for an activated carbon cake which is semi-permanent. So it is very important to adopt FIFO and not LIFO.

This leads to the obvious question as to which are the best cleaning methods to achieve LIFO?  The long running debate about surface filtration vs. depth filtration needs to be reviewed in light of FIFO.  Also, the pulsing method itself needs to be reviewed.  Do some methods result in more re-entrainment of particles in the previous cake than do others?  Should more of the cake be removed with each pulsing?

It could be argued that the reaction takes place in the ductwork and not on the bag.  But the big difference in performance of bag filters vs. precipitators with DSI proves that the cake absorption is substantial.

There may be lots of research on this subject but if so, McIlvaine would appreciate feedback on it.  If there is not, it is an area deserving lots of attention.

Bag cleaning is also made more challenging by the increasing use of ceramic filter elements. The advantage of these elements is the ability to remove dust at 850°F.  The older generation rigid ceramic has been replaced by ceramic fiber media which can be pulsed.  However, this media cannot necessarily be pulsed with the identical system used for synthetic bags. An alumina refinery in Australia was having cleaning problems with a ceramic filter. Pentair Goyen analyzed the situation and provided a more robust pulsing system. This solved the problem.

Ceramic, glass and even synthetic media are incorporating catalyst in the media to reduce NOx or oxidize dioxins. Do these designs require a different cleaning approach?  The catalyst in the Clear Edge design is not on the surface.  So, the dust cake will not affect performance except if it causes maldistribution of the gas.  If more gas flows through one area than another, the reactivity of the system is reduced.

A broader subject is the whole approach to cleaning. High pressure/low volume is the most popular option. Does capture of these other pollutants open the door for high volume /medium pressure or even for reverse air cleaning? 

The potential for the one-stop shopping is great.  Costs of pollution control can be reduced for new installations.  The small foot print makes a big difference in the cost of upgrading existing plants to meet new air pollution rules.  It is, therefore, important to understand and then maximize FIFO potential.  McIlvaine will be interviewing experts in the various niches to shed more light on this.  The results will be published in:

1ABC Fabric Filter

3ABC FGD and DeNOx Knowledge Systems

44I Power Plant Air Quality Decisions (Power Plant Decisions Orchard)

Industrial Air Plants and Projects

For information on how to participate contact: Bob McIlvaine at 847-784-0012 ext. 112

Petrochemicals Is a Growth Market for Flow Control and Treatment

2017 will be a good year for those flow control and treatment companies selling into the petrochemical industry in East Asia. Production for this region will exceed 45 percent of the world total. There has been growth in the NAFTA region due to the availability of low cost natural gas, but it does not match the growth in China.




The investment in flow control and treatment in East Asia will be more than 60 percent of the total because of the feedstock source. A large portion of the Chinese petrochemicals will be derived from coal-based feedstocks rather than natural gas. The gasified coal must be filtered to eliminate ash. The acid gases also need to be removed before they even reach the conventional gas-to-petrochemicals process. Coal also contains unacceptable levels of mercury which require carbon beds or ionic impregnated bead beds for removal. Dehydration requires molecular sieves. Generally, three molecular sieve units are needed to allow for regeneration. The molecular sieve switching valve is expensive due to the temperature and corrosion exposure as well as the zeolite particles.

The large quantities of H2S generated in the coal gasification process require conversion to sulfur or sulfuric acid. Scrubbers, pumps and valves are all needed for this process.

The forecasts for flow control and treatment in the petrochemical industry is addressed in N049 Oil, Gas, Shale and Refining Markets and Projects.

Individual product forecasts for the petrochemical sector are found in:

N008 Scrubber/Adsorber/Biofilter World Markets

N019 Pumps World Market

N028 Industrial Valves: World Market

N021 World Fabric Filter and Element Market

Here are some Headlines from the Utility E-Alert – April 29, 2016


#1270 – April 29, 2016

Table of Contents





The 41F Utility E-Alert is issued weekly and covers the coal-fired projects, regulations and other information important to the suppliers. It is $950/yr. but is included in the $3020 42EI Utility Tracking System which has data on every plant and project plus networking directories and many other features.

New Route to Reach Prospects in Flow Control and Treatment Applications

The sales process for air, water, liquid and gas flow control and treatment equipment can be likened to a trip using GPS with a series of zoom steps. It is all possible because of digital technology. There was a time when the national road atlas was the major tool for a trip across country. To find local information you had to stop and ask questions. 



This older system can be likened to the most common market approach to flow control and treatment:  a general market report and a continuous flow of sales leads. The general market report is used by senior management to set the course but is not detailed enough to help set targets for individual sales people. The deficiencies in this approach are:


A general report may not provide the best forecasts. A top-down general forecast is suspect. McIlvaine reports contain many thousands of individual forecasts which aggregate to a general forecast. How do you reliably determine the aggregate without determining the components? The suppliers of these general reports claim to interview the experts and analyze all the financial information. Any expert who does not have access to all the individual forecasts is hampered in making a general forecast.

General reports typically rely on data provided by governments and associations. These sources are good for determining the past but not the future. The most useful data is very detailed. Use of government data which assess the mining activity in each country is of questionable value compared to the use of specific coal, iron ore, bauxite, potash, copper, gold and other mineral production data. McIlvaine uses individual mineral forecasts. An approach which tries to assess the mining opportunities generally in a region without a specific breakout for each ore is flawed because mining activity varies widely depending on the ore. Chile is a leading copper producer, whereas Canada is a leading potash producer.

A report which is not continually updated is obsolete. The sudden drop in oil prices resulted in an immediate need to evaluate and change many flow control and treatment forecasts. The magnitude of the drop and the remaining political uncertainties require continuous adjustment of forecasts. It is desirable for management to set a flexible course for the year but also to make periodic adjustments in advertising, promotion and manufacturing based on revised forecasts.

The specific relevant market segments may not follow the general trends.

Flow control and treatment markets are frequently impacted by environmental or other regulations. So the general industry trends do not reflect the markets. The huge flue gas desulfurization (FGD) expenditures for pumps, valves, scrubbers, monitors and belt filters are a function of regulations which impact not only new plants but existing ones as well.

SALES LEADS: A large amount of money is spent on sales leads.  They are often too late if you are selling based on the best product rather than the lowest cost. Since they are also provided simultaneously to competitors, the unique value is diminished. Much of this expense can be avoided with the new McIlvaine program:  Detailed Forecasting of Markets, Prospects and Projects

This program can be likened to the road trip with several zoom steps on the GPS. The first step is to identify the markets which should be prioritized. McIlvaine provides a number of standard reports on air, water, contamination and energy markets:  MARKETS

The second step is to zoom in on the most relevant markets. Customized segmentation provides forecasts which can be used at the individual salesman level.



The next zoom step is to identify the large users and decision makers. The large oil and gas, power, cement, food and mining companies buy the majority of the flow control and treatment products. These companies should be a continuous focus for the supplier.

The final zoom step is to focus on the projects being developed by the large users, OEMs, and A/Es. The systems to provide this data are shown at: Databases


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Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext 112