Subject: $5.2 billion fabric filter system market by 2008


Driven by the needs of the power industry sales of fabric filter systems worldwide will grow from $4 billion in 2004 to over $5.2 billion in 2008. This forecast is included in the online, World Fabric Filter and Element Market, published by the McIlvaine Company.


According to McIlvaine, the fastest growing segment in the fastest growing region will be coal-fired power in the U.S.  Coal-fired power plants are going to be spending huge sums to reduce particulate, capture mercury, and to collect calcium sulfate.  Traditionally power plants around-the-world have used electrostatic precipitators for fly ash collection. But more stringent regulations are making the fabric filter option more attractive.


The report predicts that 60 percent of new coal-fired plants will utilize fabric filters and that 20 percent of existing plants will also replace their precipitators with fabric filters. Some of the fabric filters will be used just for particulate capture. Others will capture mercury through the injection of activated carbon ahead of the fabric filter. Still others will capture the reaction product of powdered lime and the SO2 in the flue gas.


While the U.S. will be the center of coal-fired fabric filter activity, Asia will be the center for other applications. China has a major waste-to-energy program and will join other Asian nations in utilizing fabric filters for this application. Forty percent of all the fabric filters for cement applications will be made in China over the next five years.


The U.S. will remain the leading purchaser of systems through 2008.  China will have climbed to second place by 2008 with fabric filter system purchases of $892 million. 


Segments of Fabric Filter Market Report now available.

We have had lots of requests for segments of the report.  We have been listening and here are the options:


N021 World Fabric Filter and Element Market    $3600.00  
Price: Online for one year $3600.00, additional users $150.00/yr each. 
Content: Provides continually updated analyses and forecasts of fabric filter systems and replacement bags for power, incineration, chemical, and other industries.  In this fast changing market place it is necessary to have information.


Incineration forecasts and background……………………………….       $300

50 page coverage of world activities, 10 page project update, case histories and world Fabric filter incineration forecast for equipment. systems, and bags. 


Power forecasts and background…………………………………………$975

Forecast of fabric filters in power for every country for next the five years, background information, and details on coal-fired boiler capacity in each country.  Revenue forecasts world wide for bags, equipment, and systems:




Chemical Forecasts and background ……………………………………..$300

Forecasts for fabric filters in the chemical industry for every country for the next five years plus extensive coverage of the chemical industry capital expenditures and other background data.


Fabric Filter Country Forecasts: ………………. large countries: $450, others $150

Forecast for bags, equipment, or systems for any country.  Revenue forecasts for each of next five years in each of 10 industries 


Fabric Filter World Forecasts:…………………………………………………      $600

Revenue forecasts for one subject (bags, equipment or systems) in each of 10 industry segments for each of next five years.


Fabric Filter Costs: ……………………………………………………………       $200

Costs of bags, equipment and systems including McIlvaine and government data.


Fabric Filter Article search ………………………………………………….         $90/hr 

Access to all fabric filter newsletters and abstracts since 1987.


Industry Contacts…………………………………………………$75/ 30 minutes

Contact names, titles, phones and e-mails for suppliers and A/Es.  Printable format with key word index.


Fabric Filter Supplier Contacts, Profiles and information…………………$ 850

Identification of 1000 companies with profiles of more than 100 companies includes product analysis and contact names.


For more information click on the complete report:


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Bob McIlvaine
