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MATS Compliance Choices Webinar - Hot Topic Hour January 29, 2015

Speakers at the Hot Topic Hour provided recent data which shows that improved activated carbon and absorbents will allow plants to meet MATS emission limits with lower amounts of consumables.

Revision Date:  1/29/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Lhoist, McIlvaine, Calgon Carbon, KC Cottrell, Activated Carbon, Dry Sorbent Injection, Precipitator, Fabric Filter, MATS, Mercury Removal, HCl, SO2, Particulate

MATS Agenda by Bob McIlvaine, McIlvaine Company - Hot Topic Hour January 29, 2015

Bob provided an overview of the whole MATS decision making process using the GdPS™ Concept.

Revision Date:  1/29/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, McIlvaine, Activated Carbon, Dry Sorbent Injection, Precipitator, Fabric Filter, MATS, Particulate, SO2, HCl, Mercury Removal

DSI for MATS and CSAPR by Jim Dickerman, Lhoist / Chemical Lime - Hot Topic Hour January 29, 2015

Jim Dickerman provided recent data to show what a unique hydrate achieved.

Revision Date:  1/29/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Lhoist, Dry Sorbent Injection, MATS, SO2, HCl

The Latest Developments in Air Pollution Technology----Mercury Issues 大气污染控制技术最新进展----汞污染控制

SO2 Removal Issues (脱硫问题) Problems with mercury in the gypsum could lead to further use of the natural oxidation lime systems with conversion of the sludge to a fixed product for landfill or use. 汞的石膏可能影响自然氧化石灰系统,该系统产生的污泥难以转化 为固体物用于填埋或者做其它用途。 There is now a commercial opportunity to use high purity gypsum to replace precipitated calcium carbonate for coating of magazine paper. 现在有一个商业机会。利用高品位的脱硫石膏来代替碳酸钙沉淀物,用于 制作杂志石膏用纸。  家工信部【2011】73号文件(2011.02.21发布)《关于工业副产石膏综 合利用的指导意见》,明确提出,到2015年,磷石膏的综合利用率由2009年的 20%提高到40%,脱硫石膏综合利用率由2009年的56%提高到80%。 SO2 Removal Issues (脱硫问题) There will be increasing opportunities to supply acid gas byproducts including ammonium sulfate, dilute sulfuric acid, and hydrochloric acid. 烟气脱硫行业将会有越来越多的机会,提供包括硫酸铵,稀 释硫酸,盐酸等酸性气体副产品。

Revision Date:  7/23/2014

Tags:  McIlvaine, Mercury, Air Pollution Control, SO2, China