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Richard (Rich) Staehle, Vice-president of Business Development at Marsulex Environmental Technologies, related the evidence to show how high efficiency FGD using ammonia instead of limestone (AS-FGD) has been commercially demonstrated in full-scale systems for well over a decade. This process uses the SO2 as a feedstock in the production of ammonium sulfate, a valuable crop fertilizer. In addition to significant revenue potential from the fertilizer sales, this technology minimizes or eliminates the solid and liquid waste costs and liabilities associated with conventional FGD systems. Experience at Dakota Gasification is that this granular fertilizer is preferred over alternatives. Therefore a big storage dome supplied because of assumed seasonal demand has not been needed. As soon as it is produced the ammonium sulfate is sold.
Revision Date: 4/28/2011
Tags: 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Marsulex Environmental Technologies, Ammonia