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Pressurized Oxy-Combustion of Coal: Zero Emissions Power Plants by Keith Pronske, Clean Energy Systems - Hot Topic Hour March 24, 2011

Keith L. Pronske, President and Chief Executive Officer of Clean Energy Systems (CES), covered technology derived from the aerospace industry. Pressurized oxy-combustion of coal can create a zero emissions power plant. Future coal-based power generation systems may utilize de-carbonizing technologies that permit carbon dioxide (CO2) to be captured and stored. Oxy-combustion of gasified coal (synthesis gas or “syngas”) permits capture and utilization of high quality CO2. In the oxy-combustion power plant cycle proposed by CES, syngas and high-quality oxygen provided by an air separation unit (ASU) are combusted to form a working fluid composed primarily of steam and CO2. This high-temperature gas directly drives turbines to produce electricity, after which the steam is condensed and the CO2 is captured and stored. This technology enables use of coal or other hydrocarbon fuels with essentially zero atmospheric emissions. Biofuels can be gasified along with the coal. Thus this system would be even greener than solar or wind. It could be a net CO2 reducer. Every kWh of electricity generated results in extraction of CO2 from the atmosphere.

Revision Date:  3/24/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Clean Energy Systems, Oxycombustor