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Bottom Ash Conversion Options for Ash Pond Removal by Gary Mooney, Clyde Bergemann - Hot Topic Hour January 14, 2011

Gary D. Mooney, Sales Engineer Clyde Bergemann Delta Ducon (CBDD), discussed four viable bottom ash systems and solutions that can be retrofitted to existing power plants desiring or being required to remove an ash pond. Two systems involve replacement of the existing equipment under the boiler while two more retain the existing boiler island equipment and divert the ash slurry to new dewatering equipment. Many power plants are using wet sluices for bottom ash. The dry system has the advantage of increasing boiler efficiency if only slightly. The other systems are easier retrofits in many instances.

Revision Date:  1/14/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Clyde Bergemann, Conveying