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Industrial Boiler MACT Rule - Impact and Control Options for Mercury and Dioxins/Furans by Richard Miller, ADA-ES - Hot Topic Hour November 19, 2010

Richard (Rich) Miller, Vice-President of Business Development for Utility Systems at ADA Environmental Solutions (ADA-ES), showed timelines which dictate that boiler operators start mercury testing soon. There are lots of unknowns due to the wide variety of fuels and boiler configurations. With the potential of large carbon needs by the utility and cement industries, supply could be an issue. Mercury reduction guarantees are going to be tough to provide since the need is a mass emission level and not a percent removal. Furthermore the 0.2 lbs/TBtu limit for biomass boilers will be difficult to measure as well as guarantee.

Revision Date:  11/19/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ADA-ES, Activated Carbon, MACT, Industrial Boiler