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Biography of Yougen Kong - Solvay Chemicals - Hot Topic Hour October 27, 2011


Revision Date:  10/27/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Solvay Chemicals, Direct Injection System, Reagent, Sodium Bicarbonate, Trona, Air Quality, SO2, SO3, HCl, Mercury

Dry Injection of Trona and Sodium Bicarbonate for Multi-Emissions Control by Yougen Kong, Solvay Chemicals - Hot Topic Hour October 27, 2011.

Dr. Yougen Kong, P.E., Technical Development Manager at Solvay Chemicals, Inc., discussed dry injection of Trona or sodium bicarbonate, a low-cost solution to meet the SO2 and HCl limits in CSAPR, Utility MACT and Boiler MACT. Both Trona and Sodium bicarbonate are effective in reducing SO2 and HCl. Trona is slower to react and therefore less effective on SO2 but possibly better if all you want is HCl removal. Lots of the bicarbonate will be tied up in SO2 removal. So if you want to just remove HCl Trona may be the answer.

Revision Date:  10/27/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Solvay Chemicals, Reagent, Trona, Sodium Bicarbonate, Direct Injection System, Air Quality, SO2, SO3, HCl, Mercury

Multi-Emissions Control - Webinar - Hot Topic Hour October 27, 2011

Speakers discussed the technology and equipment available or under development that provides multi-emissions control and can be implemented by EGU operators to achieve compliance with CSAPR and MACT limits.

Revision Date:  10/27/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Alstom Power, United Conveyor, Solvay Chemicals, Spray Dryer Absorber, Reagent, Chemical Injection, Dry Sorbent Injection, Spray Tower, FGD, SCR, Sodium Bicarbonate, Trona, Circulating Dry Scrubber, Direct Injection System, Air Quality, SO2, SO3, HCl, Mercury

HCl and SO2 Mitigation with Dry Injection of Trona or Sodium Bicarbonate - Electric Power May 10-12, 2011 by Yougen Kong, Technical Development Manager, SOLVAir Solutions

Dry injection of sodium sorbents (trona and sodium bicarbonate) has been proven as an important multi-pollutant control technology due to (a) its low capital cost, (b) small installation, © easiness to operate, and (d) flexibility to fuel changes. Trona has been used as the main sodium sorbent due to its relatively low price. However, for some power plants where higher SO2 removal rates are desired and amount of generated fly ash need to be minimized, sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) offers a good alternative. For these reasons, a power plant that has been using trona since Fall 2005 tested conversion from trona to sodium bicarbonate on a 100 MW boiler. Trona or sodium bicarbonate was injected upstream of a hot-side ESP. The flue gas temperature at the injection point was around 600 oF. For 80% of SO2 removal, the normalized stoichemetric ratio (NSR) with trona was 2.5. With milled sodium bicarbonate, the required NSR for the same SO2 removal rate was decreased to 1.0. Over 97% of HCl was also removed. As a result, less sorbent was needed and significant savings in the sorbent was achieved. Furthermore, less fly ash was produced due to the sorbent change, and resulted in lower fly ash disposal cost. Same as trona, the sodium bicarbonate was able to keep the stack opacity below the limit since both sodium sorbents were able to lower the fly ash resistivity and thus enhance the ESP performance.

Revision Date:  5/11/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, SOLVAir Solutions, Sorbent Injection, Air Quality, USA

A Better Alternative to SO3 for Conditioning Electrostatic Precipitators - by Yougen Kong, Solvay - Hot Topic Hour January 20, 2011

A better alternative to SO3 for conditioning electrostatic precipitators. The trona addition system is simple and its capital cost is much lower than that of a SO3 production and injection system.

Revision Date:  1/20/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Solvay Chemicals, Dry Sorbent Injection, Mercury

Dry Injection of Trona or Sodium Bicarbonate to Mitigate HCl and SO2 from Industrial Boilers by Yougen Kong, Solvay - Hot Topic Hour November 18, 2010

Yougen Kong, P.E., Ph.D., Technical Development Manager at Solvay Chemicals, Inc., explained that trona can achieve up to 98 percent HCl removal while sodium bicarbonate can achieve over 99 percent while also achieving better than 90 percent SO2 removal. There is a modest price penalty for the sodium bicarbonate. On the other hand, injection avoids major capital cost and is effective over a range of 275°F to 1500°F. Bicarbonate is being used at many waste incinerators in Europe and coal-fired power plants in the US.

Revision Date:  11/18/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Solvay Chemicals, Sodium Bicarbonate, Trona, MACT, Industrial Boiler