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SCR for NOx Control in Coal-fired Power Plants by Ken Jeffers, Johnson Matthey - Hot Topic Hour April 7, 2011

Ken Jeffers, SCR Applications Engineer at Johnson Matthey Catalysts LLC, gave a good overview of SCR technology and described new developments to improve the life and performance of catalysts. Advances include ammonia slip control catalysts to allow higher injection rates and extend the useful life of catalysts while achieving up to 95 percent NOx reduction, catalysts being developed with enhanced Hg oxidation capability while preserving performance on deNOx and SO2 oxidation, and catalysts for high as well as lower temperature operation. He also discussed the major problems with SCR catalysts particularly flyash plugging and deactivation. Potential solutions include tail end applications. He said that there was a tradeoff between the cost to install and operate a flue gas reheat system and the potential longer life of the catalyst in a tail end position. Ken stated that there are now three units operating successfully on plants firing Texas lignite.

Revision Date:  4/7/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Johnson Matthey, Catalyst