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Ameren’s History and NOx Reduction and Testing of New Optimization Software - Electric Power May 10-12, 2011 by Scott Hixson, Performance Engineer, Ameren Missouri

Ameren has been a leader in lowering NOx emissions. In 1990 AmerenUE, now Ameren Missouri, an Ameren subsidiary, implemented a long term emission reduction program. Based on NOx emission rates in 2009, Ameren had 13 of the top 20 plants nation-wide including the top 4 for T-fired coal units without SCRs. These reductions can be attributed to the addition of OFA, boiler tuning, utilization of combustion optimization software, and Ameren’s dedication to reducing NOx emissions by maintaining a group of combustion engineers. Ameren will discuss recent advances in this area.

Revision Date:  5/12/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Ameren Services, Selective Catalytic Reduction, Air Quality, USA