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The Non-Solid Fuel Pathway for Boiler MACT Compliance by Ajay Kasarabada and Diane Fischer, Black & Veatch - Hot Topic Hour March 10, 2011

Ajay Kasarabada, an Air Permitting Manager in Black & Veatch Energy Division's Environmental Management Services Section, and Diane Fischer, Manager of Business Development for Air Quality Control Projects for Black & Veatch’s Power Generation Services, described a method for avoiding the need to comply with the Boiler MACT – “the non-solid fuel pathway”. They presented a methodology by which boiler operators can evaluate the technical and economic issues related to converting boilers to operate on “Gas 1” or “Other Gas 1” as defined by the EPA or decommissioning solid fueled boilers and installing new gas-fired boilers or gas turbines. Gas 1 units, Other Gas 1 units and combustion turbines do not have to meet Boiler MACT emission limits. Diane’s portion of the presentation focused on the benefits of considering co-generation and provided a detailed methodology for evaluating this alternative. They indicated that Black and Veatch is involved in studying these alternatives for a number of boiler operators but they have not yet reached any firm conclusions. However, now that the Boiler MACT has been issued, they are moving forward rapidly.

Revision Date:  3/10/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Black & Veatch, Consulting, MACT

Utility MACT - Impact and Compliance Strategy by Ajay Kasarabada and Diane Fischer, Black & Veatch - Hot Topic Hour February 17, 2011

Ajay Kasarabada, an Air Permitting Manager in Black & Veatch Energy Division's Environmental Management Services Section, and Diane Fischer, Manager of Business Development for Air Quality Control Projects for Black & Veatch’s Power Generation Services, focused on the key issues to be considered in developing a Utility MACT compliance strategy and the technologies that can be utilized to achieve compliance with the expected limits. There was concern about the ability to meet the particulate standards. There was also the advice to take into account the ramifications relative to other rules such as applicable renewable portfolio standards, the transport rule, regional haze, non-attainment and greenhouse gas regulations.

Revision Date:  2/17/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Black & Veatch, Consulting, MACT