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Next Generation Nid for PC boilers - Electric Power May 10 - 12, 2011, Chicago, Illinois by Mark Fiedler, Principle Process Engineer, Alstom

The NID Dry Scrubber System is an advanced dry scrubber process that was developed by Alstom starting in the late 80's with commercial units in operation since 1996. The system allows for SO2 removal rates greater than 98% with the ability to operate with high Sulfur fuels that would be beyond the capabilities of traditional SDA dry scrubber systems. This presentation will provide on overview of the NID system, highlight recent developments in the technology, and introduce several NID reference units within the U.S. and Europe as well as a few new projects currently in execution.

Revision Date:  5/11/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Alstom, Absorber, Spray Dryer, Air Quality, USA