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An Update on the FMC NOx Abatement Technology using Hydrogen Peroxide by Robert (Bob) Crynack, FMC Corporation - Hot Topic Hour April 7, 2011

Robert (Bob) Crynack, Business Development Manager for the Peroxygen Division of FMC Corporation, described a process under development by FMC that utilizes hydrogen peroxide to control NOx from combustion sources and industrial processes. Injection of peroxide into existing ducts oxidizes the NOx, primarily NO, to other nitrogen species that can be captured by existing downstream equipment such as wet scrubbers, CFB scrubbers, spray dryer absorbers or dry injection (lime/trona) with ESP or FF. The technology is intended for coal-fired power plants that desire NOx reductions of 40-80 percent with minimal capital investment and low operating and maintenance cost. While it has been proven that hydrogen peroxide will oxidize NO, NO2 and even mercury, the ability of downstream equipment to capture the NOx and mercury are still being evaluated.

Revision Date:  4/7/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, FMC Corporation, Hydrogen Peroxide