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IEAGHG Oxyfuel Workshop: Impact of Oxyfuel Operations on Emissions and Ash Properties Based on E.ON's 1MW CTF

Impact of Oxyfuel Operations on Emissions and Ash Properties Based on E.ON's 1MW CTF

Revision Date:  8/6/2015

Tags:  221118 - Other Electric Power , E.ON, Oxycombustor, Emissions, Corrosion, SO2, SO3, Optimizing

Recycled Flue Gas Properties – An Utility View

Indicators of Successful Plant Operation Indicators for Oxyfuel Technology Flue Gas Recycle Options Limits of Recycled Flue Gas Properties Conclusions

Revision Date:  8/6/2015

Tags:  221118 - Other Electric Power , E.ON, Flue Gas, Oxycombustor, Corrosion, SO3, Optimizing