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Direct Sorbent Injection Webinar - Hot Topic Hour July 10, 2014

The Hot Topic Hour covered direct sorbent injection. It was a collaborative discussion based on information posted on the free website: Dry Scrubbing - Continuous Analysis

Revision Date:  7/10/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Midwest Energy Emissions Corp, P. Farber & Associates, LLC, Solvay Chemicals, Licata Energy, Dry Sorbent Injection

SOLVAir Solutions Focus on DSI by Michael Atwell, Solvay Chemicals, Inc. - Hot Topic Hour July 10, 2014

Michael (Mike) Atwell, Market Development Manager, Solvay Chemicals Inc indicated that most of the recent activity is due to the NAAQS of 75 ppm SO2 and realization that to meet 2018 deadlines the time for action is now.

Revision Date:  7/10/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, SOLVAir Solutions, Dry Sorbent Injection