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Alstom to Provide HRSGs to 1300 MW Brunswick County

Alstom has been awarded a contract by Fluor Corp. to provide three heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) for Dominion Virginia Power's 1,300 MW Brunswick County Power Station that will come online in 2016. These units will incorporate Alstom's Optimized for Cycle and Constructability design, which offers better performance during plant cycling and a lower overall cost of construction. SCR and carbon monoxide catalyst technology embedded in the HRSGs will reduce overall emissions.

Revision Date:  11/27/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Fluor Corporation, Dominion, Alstom, Mitsubishi Power Systems, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Project, World Power Generation, USA

Dominion Asks Approval of 1,358 WM Brunswick Combined Cycle Power Plant

Dominion Power has asked the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) for approval to build a $1.3 billion power station in Brusnswick County to begin providing power by the spring of 2016.

Revision Date:  11/13/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Dominion, Project, World Power Generation, USA

CPV Moving Ahead with 762 MW Smyth County, VA Power Plant

Competitive Power Ventures (CPV) is moving forward with its plans for a 762 MW combined cycle facility in Smyth County, Virginia.

Revision Date:  11/13/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Competitive Power Ventures, Project, World Power Generation, USA

Contacts at Moxie Energy

Here are some contacts and additional information regarding Moxie Energy and such.

Revision Date:  10/12/2012

Tags:  Project, Shale Gas, World Power Generation, USA