Internal Data Search by Corporation Name

Data Search on:   Jansen’s Aircraft Systems Controls (JASC)

The titles below have an association with your requested corporate name

Coking Eliminated with JASC Solution- Schyler McElrath

JASC solutions for gas turbine back up liquid fuel systems are operating at better than 98% reliability and availability. As turbine efficiency continues to rise and combustion hardware maintenance intervals increase, fuel control technology must also continue to improve. Innovations such as the water cooled liquid fuel check valve, water cooled 3-way purge valve, combining valve and Smart Fluid Monitor were designed to provide options which are appropriate for any gas turbine system application or operational parameter

Revision Date:  6/2/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Jansen’s Aircraft Systems Controls (JASC), Valve, Flow Control

Coking Eliminated with JASC Solution- Schyler McElrath

JASC solutions for gas turbine back up liquid fuel systems are operating at better than 98% reliability and availability. As turbine efficiency continues to rise and combustion hardware maintenance intervals increase, fuel control technology must also continue to improve. Innovations such as the water cooled liquid fuel check valve, water cooled 3-way purge valve, combining valve and Smart Fluid Monitor were designed to provide options which are appropriate for any gas turbine system application or operational parameter

Revision Date:  6/2/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Jansen’s Aircraft Systems Controls (JASC), Valve, Flow Control