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MACT Update Webinar - Hot Topic Hour - May 7, 2015

There are unique site specific factors which are more important in MACT than in MATS. The reason is that in cement, brick and other industrial processes the material being processed may create more air toxics than the fuel. The special focus for this Hot Topic Hour was on dry sorbent injection. The use of hydrated lime was also discussed.

Revision Date:  5/7/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 327310 - Cement Manufacturing 水泥生产, Lhoist North America, Mississippi Lime, Lime, MACT

Flue Gas Treatment Specialist, by Marty Dillion, Lhoist - HTH 5-7-15

Sorbacal SPS is a lime hydrate which combines porosity and chemical treatment to provide much higher SO2 and HCl capture than alternatives. A number of trial and actual installations support the claim.

Revision Date:  5/7/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 327310 - Cement Manufacturing 水泥生产, Lhoist North America, Lime, MACT

Dry Sorbent Injection Options and Issues Webinar Recording - Hot Topic Hour April 9, 2015

DSI is an effective Route for SO3, SO2, and HCl reduction.

Revision Date:  4/10/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ClearChem Development LLC, Mississippi Lime, Mobotec (USA), Lhoist North America, AECOM, Limestone, Sodium Bisulfate, Sodium, Lime, HCl, SO2, SO3, CFD

Dry Sorbent Injection Options and Issues - Sorbacal HCl Removal by Marty Dillon, Lhoist North America - Hot Topic Hour April 9, 2015

Martin Dillon of Lhoist explained how a high surface area hydrated lime, Sorbocal® SP, is able to achieve HCl removal close to 80 percent.

Revision Date:  4/10/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Lhoist North America, Lime, HCl, SO2, SO3

MATS Compliance Choices Webinar - Hot Topic Hour January 29, 2015

Speakers at the Hot Topic Hour provided recent data which shows that improved activated carbon and absorbents will allow plants to meet MATS emission limits with lower amounts of consumables.

Revision Date:  1/29/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Lhoist, McIlvaine, Calgon Carbon, KC Cottrell, Activated Carbon, Dry Sorbent Injection, Precipitator, Fabric Filter, MATS, Mercury Removal, HCl, SO2, Particulate

DSI for MATS and CSAPR by Jim Dickerman, Lhoist / Chemical Lime - Hot Topic Hour January 29, 2015

Jim Dickerman provided recent data to show what a unique hydrate achieved.

Revision Date:  1/29/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Lhoist, Dry Sorbent Injection, MATS, SO2, HCl

Lhoist Has Lots of Ceramic Filter Hot Gas Experience

Lhoist was a presenter in the Mcilvaine hot topic hour May 1, 2014 on hot gas filtration . the highly porous lime sorbent is achieving more than 95% SO2/HCl removal efficiency when used at th 850F temperature preceding the ceramic filter. Product: lime, dry sorbent injection

Revision Date:  5/5/2014

Tags:  562213 - Solid Waste Combustors and Incinerators , Lhoist, Dry Sorbent Injection, Fabric Filter, Ceramic Filter, Lime

Ceramic Filter with Embedded Catalyst and DSI Achieves High SOx, NOx and ROx Removal

Richard Lydon of Clear Edge Filtration Group presented the case for using a ceramic media with an embedded catalyst. The result is high dust removal and high NOx reduction. DSI ahead of the filter allows acid gas removal as well. There are many thousands of these filter elements already in operation on various industrial operations. Recent installations in the U.S. show high efficiencies.

Revision Date:  4/24/2014

Tags:  Neuman, Lhoist, Clear Edge Filtration, Fabric Filter, Ceramic Filter

Advances in Dry Sorbent Injection (DSI) Reagents by Mike Schantz, Lhoist - Hot Topic Hour July 11, 2013.

New hydrated lime with more surface area and some chemical enhancement is performing better.

Revision Date:  7/11/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Lhoist, Hydrated Lime, MATS

New Developments in Air Pollution Control Technology Webinar - Hot Topic Hour July 11, 2013


Revision Date:  7/11/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, NeuCo, Lhoist, Novinda, ADA Carbon Solutions, Activated Carbon, Optimization Software, Dry Sorbent Injection, Hydrated Lime, MATS, PM2.5, Condensibles, NOx

New Developments in Power Plant Air Pollution Control Part 1 - Webinar July 11, 2013 - Presenter Bios


Revision Date:  7/11/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ADA Carbon Solutions, Novinda, Lhoist, NeuCo

Overview of SO3 Emission Control with Hydrated Lime by Jim Dickerman, Lhoist. Hot Topic Hour March 8, 2012

Jim presented an overview of SO3 emission control with hydrated lime.

Revision Date:  3/8/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Lhoist, Direct Injection System, Lime, Mercury, SO2, SO3, HCl

SO3 Measurement and Control - Webinar - Hot Topic Hour March 8, 2012

The affect of SO3 in the flue gas stream, emissions from the stack, particulate emissons and removal of mercury from the flue gas with ACI.

Revision Date:  3/8/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, URS Corp., Industrial Monitor and Control Corp, Solvay Chemicals, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Lhoist, Direct Injection System, Sodium Bisulfate, Trona, SO3 Monitoring, Sodium Bicarbonate, SO3, HCl, Mercury, SO2, Monitoring

Sorbacal Dry Sorbent Injection - a Low Capital Solution for HCl Control by Mike Schantz, Lhoist / Chemical Lime Co. - Hot Topic Hour November 18, 2010

Mike Schantz, Director of New Business Development at Lhoist / Chemical Lime Company, explained that all hydrated lime is not the same. Sorbacal SP performs much better than typical hydrated lime on HCl. Sources using Sorbacal injection should be able to meet the 3 ppm HCl anticipated limit providing temperature, moisture, competing acid gases (SO3 and HF) and CO2 are within the normal range.

Revision Date:  11/18/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Lhoist / Chemical Lime, Hydrated Lime, MACT, Industrial Boiler

Industrial MACT Webinar - Hot Topic Hour November 18, 2010 - Part 1

Sodium Bicarbonate, Lime, CDS and Regulations were among the Topics covered on the First Day of the Industrial MACT Webinar. In 60 days or so we will know the specific changes for the final Industrial MACT. Correction-- we will know what is final until it is changed again. Unfortunately it will be three more years to find out if litigants are successful in causing changes. However, it will take three years to install the equipment and run it long enough to make sure of compliance. So it would seem there are two choices. Litigate and gamble you won’t have to shut down your plant or go ahead with the assumption that the rule will stand. Password: hth107

Revision Date:  11/18/2010

Tags:  Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group, Trinity Consultants, Lhoist / Chemical Lime, Troutman Sanders, Solvay Chemicals, Graymont, MACT, Industrial Boiler