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Successful mercury reduction in pilot study at Seminole (Golder presentation at EUEC)

Summary: Pilot testing successfully reduced effluent Mercury concentrations to < 225 ng/l. Pilot influent concentrations were lower than historical maximums. Pilot test process reduced effluent Mercury to < 40 ng/l after flocculation and settling unit operations were improved. Results obtained in October 2014 (higher effluent Mercury) need further review (ratio of organosulfide:ferric iron may be a key). Substantial colloidal fraction of Mercury was present. Effective chemical addition, flocculation and settling are necessary so that sand filters (current Seminole polishing process) can be utilized. Tighter membrane filtration might be needed.

Revision Date:  2/25/2015

Tags:  Golder Associates, Sulfide, Wastewater, Mercury, Mercury Removal

Power Plant Cooling Towers and Cooling Water Issues by Ivan Cooper, Golder Associates - Hot Topic Hour February 16, 2012.

Ivan A. Cooper, P.E., B.C.E.E., Practice Leader at Golder Associates NC, Inc, stressed the increasing importance of water management in the power sector. Water is becoming more scarce and roughly 40 percent of the fresh water withdrawals in the U.S. are for power plant use.

Revision Date:  2/16/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Golder Associates, Cooling Tower, Regulation, Municipal Wastewater Reuse

Power Plant Cooling Towers and Cooling Water Issues - Webinar - Hot Topic Hour February 16, 2012

Power plants use significant quantities of water, mostly for cooling purposes while generating electrical energy. However, proposed rules on power plant water intakes and discharges, as well as the increasing scarcity of fresh water, will drive changes in water use and management strategies at power plants.

Revision Date:  2/16/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Ovivo USA, AECOM, CH2M Hill, Veolia, Golder Associates, Chemical, Cooling Tower, Intake Screen, Regulation, Municipal Wastewater Reuse

Impact of Proposed Boiler MACT on 16 Biomass Boilers by Patrick Stevens, Golder Associates - Hot Topic Hour November 19, 2010

J. Patrick Stevens, Associate and Senior Consultant at Golder Associates Inc., told participants about a survey of 16 biomass-fired boilers in the wood products industry to determine whether or not they would meet the proposed existing source Boiler MACT limits for biomass-fired boilers. CO was one pollutant that would create a challenge. Four boilers would require no improvement. Twelve boilers will require from 13 to 79 percent reduction in CO. Nine of these would require end of pipe controls while three could improve fuel handling and combustion.

Revision Date:  11/19/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Golder Associates, Carbon Monoxide, MACT, Wood-Fired Boilers, Industrial Boiler

Industrial MACT Webinar - Hot Topic Hour November 19, 2010 - Part 2

Carbon, Spray Dryers, Biomass Boilers, CO Challenges and PM CEMS were discussed. Password: hth107

Revision Date:  11/19/2010

Tags:  SICK MAIHAK, Golder Associates, Amerex, Albemarle, AECOM, ADA Environmental, MACT, Industrial Boiler