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Italy’s Cleaner Coal Powered Plant Driven Forward by Outokumpu Steel

Super-austenitic 1.4565 steel are used in 3 absorber towers in the FGD system at Torrevalidaliga-Nord in Italy.

Revision Date:  6/13/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Outokumpu, Enel, Industeel, Wet Limestone, Super Austenitic, Absorber, Air Quality, SO2, FGD, Acid Gas Removal, Italy

Zero Liquid Discharge for Power Plant Scrubbers Webinar - Hot Topic Hour November 12, 2008

On November 12, 2008, Devesh Mittal and Greg Mandigo made the case for zero liquid discharge as an alternative to the combination of physical and biological treatment. Three systems are operating at Enel plants in Italy with others under design. KCPL Iatan 2 will also use ZLD. A number of systems are already used for cooling tower blowdown. Biological systems require dilution to protect the micro organisms. Also, boron and certain other contaminants are not captured in these systems. Zero liquid discharge achieves the complete prevention of contaminants reaching the wastewater.

Revision Date:  11/12/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, KCPL, Aquatech, McIlvaine, Enel, Wastewater Treatment System, Evaporation

Zero Liquid Discharge for Power Plant Scrubbers - Hot Topic Hour November 12, 2008

On November 12, 2008, Devesh Mittal and Greg Mandigo made the case for zero liquid discharge as an alternative to the combination of physical and biological treatment. Three systems are operating at Enel plants in Italy with others under design. KCPL Iatan 2 will also use ZLD. A number of systems are already used for cooling tower blowdown. Biological systems require dilution to protect the micro organisms. Also, boron and certain other contaminants are not captured in these systems. Zero liquid discharge achieves the complete prevention of contaminants reaching the wastewater.

Revision Date:  11/12/2008

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Enel, Aquatech, KCPL, McIlvaine, Wastewater Treatment System, Evaporator, Air Quality, Effluent Treatment, Wastewater, FGD