Internal Data Search by Corporation Name

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Industrial MACT - Impact and Control Options by David South, Amerex - Hot Topic Hour November 19, 2010

David W. South, Manager of Business Development at Amerex, drew from a considerable bank of experience the company has gained with some 50 MACT related boiler installations in the last five years. One unit on a PC boiler with carbon injection and a fabric filter is using 2.2 lbs/MMacf of B-PAC. Inlet mercury is 20 lbs/TBtu versus 2.5 lbs/TBtu on the outlet. Another with only 2.0 lbs/MMacf is reducing mercury from 25 lbs/TBtu to less than 2 lbs/TBtu.

Revision Date:  11/19/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Amerex, Spray Dryer, Fabric Filter, Dry Sorbent Injection, MACT, Industrial Boiler

Industrial MACT Webinar - Hot Topic Hour November 19, 2010 - Part 2

Carbon, Spray Dryers, Biomass Boilers, CO Challenges and PM CEMS were discussed. Password: hth107

Revision Date:  11/19/2010

Tags:  SICK MAIHAK, Golder Associates, Amerex, Albemarle, AECOM, ADA Environmental, MACT, Industrial Boiler