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Analysis by HT allows plant to better understand optimum operating mode for BCP

Hayward Tyler was contracted by a major Engineering, Procure and Construction (EPC) company to assess the expected degradation to a BCP based upon 22 different plant operating conditions. The operating conditions varied from cold starts/stops to hot start/stops and trip conditions. HT carried out thermal stress analysis and fatigue life calculations using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to quantify the degradation expected on the BCP. This included assessing for component interference due to rapid thermal expansion and a calculated fatigue life of the main components due to thermal shocking. The results showed that all operating scenarios would be acceptable except one, which would result in a mechanical rub between the impeller and diffuser wear rings. This scenario could cause significant damage to the BCP if it is was undertaken by the plant. In addition, Hayward Tyler was able to identify the highest stressed areas of the pump case based on the FEA results. This can be used when carrying out local inspection of the pump case. The analysis allows plant operators/owners to better understand the damage to their equipment based on how they want and need to operate the power plant. They are able to make informed decisions on operating regimes by understanding the impact to their BCP.

Revision Date:  7/25/2019

Tags:  Hayward Tyler, Canned Motor Pump