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SEFA upgrades flyash and eliminates an environmental challenge

SEFA has successfully demonstrated the viability of STAR® Technology through commercialization at three STAR® facilities. The most recent STAR® Plant at the Winyah Power Station has the ability to process 100% ash reclaimed from ponds. The waste heat generated from the STAR® Process is used to dry the pond ash thus making the entire plant a self-sustaining closed loop system. Further, the plant can switch at a moment’s notice from the reclaimed ash to 100% dry ash produced at the power plant, or any blend of both. This flexibility allows full load operation at all times without any dependence on operation of the power generation plant now or in the future. This unique independence is particularly important as the supply of fly ash for the construction industry continues to dwindle as more coal fired generation is taken off line. At the same time the market for high quality fly ash continues to grow. Utilizing reclaimed ash from ponds and landfills will provided continuous feed material and ensures uninterrupted supply for customers.

Revision Date:  5/14/2019

Tags:  221118 - Other Electric Power , 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, SEFA Group, Flyash, CCR Unit, Landfill