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Maintaining High Combined Cycle HRSG Efficiency and Reliability

This article in Power Engineering by Brad Buecker of Kiewit addresses chemical treatment of HRSG feedwater. During the heyday of coal-fired power plant construction and operation in the last century, many lessons were learned regarding correct water/steam chemistry control in high-pressure, fossil-fuel steam generators. Even seemingly minor issues had the potential to cause serious problems, and some corrosion-induced failures led to injuries and death of plant personnel. Progress in transferring these lessons to the combined cycle power industry has often been slow, and a number of outdated chemistry concepts continue to appear in the specifications for new combined cycle plants. Some problems are magnified by the unique geometrical features of heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) as compared to their coal unit counterparts. This article will examine three of the most important issues in this regard, as outlined below: • Unless the condensate/feedwater system of the HRSG contains copper alloys (very rare), an oxygen scavenger should not be part of the chemical treatment program. Use of oxygen scavengers, a more accurate term is reducing agent, induces flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC) of plain carbon steel. FAC has caused catastrophic piping and tube failures at a number of facilities over the last three decades, and it continues to occur at many plants. • Tri-sodium phosphate has served as the primary chemical for boiler water treatment in many base-loaded coal units, and the chemistry is often employed in HRSGs. Even at steady load, phosphate treatment is problematic due to the phenomenon known as phosphate hideout. In cycling units, hideout may make phosphate chemistry extremely difficult to control. • While a strong focus should always be placed on operating chemistry, off-line chemistry control is frequently neglected. Air in-leakage into water-filled steam generator networks during down times can significantly damage tubes, piping, turbine blades and rotors, and other equipment. Given the regular cycling nature of most power plants in today's environment, the potential for air ingress and subsequent corrosion may be extensive.

Revision Date:  3/5/2018

Tags:  Kiewit, Feedwater, Chemical, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Power Engineering

Dry Flue Gas Desulfurization for Power Plants by Mitchell Krasnopoler, Kiewit - Hot Topic Hour March 19, 2015

Mitch compared the features of various dry scrubbing systems.

Revision Date:  3/20/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit, SDA, DSI

Zero Liquid Discharge Details and Water Chemistry by Brian Clarke, Kiewit - Hot Topic Hour March 12, 2015

Brian presented an analysis of wastewater treatment options.

Revision Date:  3/12/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit, Zero Liquid Discharge System, Zero Liquid Discharge, Wastewater Treatment

Power Plant Cooling Webinar - Hot Topic Hour November 13, 2014

The webinar focused on the decisions power plants will make relative to steam cooling at both new and existing facilities.

Revision Date:  11/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Nalco, Ovivo USA, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Research Cottrell Cooling, Kiewit, Clarifier, Water Intakes, Water Quality Modeling System, Boiler Feedwater System, 316(b), Regulation, Efficiency, Water Reuse, Wastewater Reuse, Heat Recovery, Water Treatment, Water Conservation

Cooling Tower Calculations by Nick Schroeder - Kiewit - Hot Topic Hour November 13, 2014

Nick provided an interesting perspective on the science of cooling.

Revision Date:  11/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit, Cooling Tower, Efficiency

Power Plant Chemicals Webinar - Hot Topic Hour September 25, 2014

The level of knowledge demonstrated by the speakers relative to the challenges of preventing corrosion and malfunction of gas turbine combined cycle plants which are cycling hundreds of times per year and may be using poor quality source water makes a persuasive case for continuing expert advice.

Revision Date:  9/25/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, McIlvaine, Kiewit, Miox, HDR Engineering, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Air Cooled Condenser, Fogging System, Cooling Tower, Treatment Chemicals, Ultrapure Water, Cycle Chemistry, Corrosion, Water Treatment, Zero Liquid Discharge

Water Treatment and Chemistry Answers for HRSG Operators by Brad Buecker, Kiewit - Hot Topic Hour September 25, 2014

Questions answered regarding HRSG water/steam chemistry and prevention of corrosion and fouling in steam generators. Even seemingly minor issues have been known to cause failures that cost power producers millions of dollars and in some cases even claimed lives. This is the ultimate cost.

Revision Date:  9/25/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit, Air Cooled Condenser, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Fogging System, Treatment Chemicals, Cycle Chemistry, Corrosion, Ultrapure Water, Water Treatment, Zero Liquid Discharge

Demineralization and Degasification Webinar - Hot Topic Hour August 28, 2014

Advantages of combining membrane contactors and EDI. Focus on the choices that need to be made by purchasers and operators of ultrapure water systems for gas turbine combined cycle power.

Revision Date:  8/28/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, SnowPure, Ultrapure Water, Kiewit, EDI, Membrane, Ultrapure Water, Corrosion

Control of Flow-Accelerated Corrosion in Steam Generators by Brad Buecker, Kiewit - Hot Topic Hour 8-28-14

Flow accelerated corrosion is an important issue causing problems in turbulent areas such as elbows.

Revision Date:  8/28/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit, Oxygen, Demineralization, Corrosion

Control of Flow-Accelerated Corrosion in Steam Generators By Brad Buecker, Process Specialist / Kiewit Power Engineers

The reducing environment produced by oxygen scavengers initiates and propagates flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC) in the feedwater system and other components of high-pressure steam generators, including heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs). Since 1986, FAC-induced attack has caused numerous failures, some with fatalities, at a number of power plants in the U.S. Yet, specifications for many new power plants both domestically and globally, and in which the condensate/feedwater system contains no copper alloys, continue to call for oxygen scavenger feed to the condensate. This document is a response to this misguided trend.

Revision Date:  8/25/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit, Boiler Feedwater System, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Ultrapure Water, Corrosion, Demineralization, Boiler Feedwater Treatment, Degasification

Dry FGD technologies compared by Kiewit at March 27 webinar

Mitch Krasnopoler of Kiewit provided a detailed analysis of circulating dry scrubber installations in the U.s. Features of the designs offered by a number of suppliers were compared. This presentation was updated on April 9th to include the Clyde Bergemann dry scrubber.

Revision Date:  4/8/2014

Tags:  Kiewit, Clyde Bergemann, Kansas City Equipment Company, Circulating Dry Scrubber

Dry scrubber options as listed by Kiewit

In addition to Graff-Wulff, Babcock Turbosorp, and Allied/Lurgi design provide the CFB options. SDA is more widely used but concern about atomizer O &M costs as well as distributing the slurry in droplets which will dry prior to reaching the particulate collector.

Revision Date:  3/26/2014

Tags:  Kiewit Power Engineers, Power Engineering

More Dry scrubber analysis from Kiewit

See previous articlesfor details but here is more: For the CFBs, a typical approach temperature is 30°F to 40°F, while for the NID a tighter approach of 25°F to 30°F is more common. Because the temperature is still maintained above saturation, reactor materials of construction are typically carbon steel. Type 316 L stainless steel is often used for specialty components such as water injection nozzles and some lime hydrator parts.

Revision Date:  3/26/2014

Tags:  Kiewit Power Engineers, Energy-Tech Magazine

Power Plant Automation and Control Webinar May 23, 2013 - Presenters Bios


Revision Date:  5/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit Power Engineers, Xcel Energy, Ovivo USA, Hydrolox, Nalco

Power Plant Cooling Towers and Cooling Water Issues Webinar - Hot Topic Hour May 23, 2013

Power plant cooling presents regulatory and technical challenges.

Revision Date:  5/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Ovivo USA, Hydrolox, Xcel Energy, Nalco, Kiewit Power Engineers, Treatment Chemical, Screen, Cooling Tower, Water Treatment, Heat Exchange

Power Plant Cooling Towers and Cooling Water Issues, Webinar May 23, 2013 - Presenter Bios


Revision Date:  5/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit Power Engineers, Ovivo USA, Hydrolox, Xcel Energy, Nalco

Changing Requirements for Cooling Tower Water Treatment by Brad Buecker, Kiewit Power Engineers - Hot Topic Hour May 23, 2013

Tightening regulations on the quality, and sometimes quantity, of power plant wastewater streams are influencing cooling tower treatment programs.

Revision Date:  5/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit Power Engineers, Cooling Tower, Treatment Chemical, Heat Exchange

ARCTIC Overview by Luke Buntz, Kiewit - Hot Topic Hour March 14, 2013

Luke discussed the ARCTIC (Absorption Refrigeration Cycle Turbine Inlet Conditioning) System.

Revision Date:  3/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit Power Engineers, Chiller, Air Intake, Cooling

Inlet Pretreatment for Gas Turbines Webinar - Hot Topic Hour March 14, 2013

Gas turbine performance and maintenance are greatly affected by the cleanliness and physical properties of the incoming air.

Revision Date:  3/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, W. L. Gore, Nederman, TDC Filter, Kiewit Power Engineers, Chiller, HEPA Filter, Air Filter, Cooling, Air Filtration, Air Intake

Modern Techniques for Power Plant Makeup Water and Wastewater Treatment by Brad Buecker, Kiewit - Hot Topic Hour December 6, 2012

The most common and modern makeup water production methods, including reverse osmosis, portable mixed-bed polishing and electrodeionization (EDI).

Revision Date:  12/6/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit Power Engineers, Cooling Tower, Boiler Feedwater, Wastewater Treatment

Boiler Feed and Cooling Water Treatment - Webinar - Hot Topic Hour December 6, 2012

Discussion of the latest technologies available or under development to treat boiler feed and cooling water from natural and process sources

Revision Date:  12/6/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit Power Engineers, Miox, Ovivo USA, Sheppard T. Powell Associates, Pall Corporation, Ultrafiltration, Condenser, Zero Liquid Discharge System, Reverse Osmosis, Cooling Tower, Water Treatment, Microfiltration, Boiler Feedwater, Air Inleakage, Disinfection, Wastewater Treatment

Kiewit Power Engineers Contacts for Xcel and Other Projects

A summary of contacts at Kiewit Power Engineers for the Xcel Cherokee and other projects.

Revision Date:  11/26/2012

Tags:  Kiewit Power Engineers, Directory, World Power Generation

Kiewit 569 MW Natural Gas-fired Cherokee Power Plant to Use Less Water than Present

Kiewit Construction was awarded a contract by Xcel Energy to design and construct the planned 569 MW Cherokee combined cycle natural gas-fired power plant in Colorado. Kiewit said this is the company’s first GE 7F-5 Series Project. Construction is scheduled for completion in fall 2015.

Revision Date:  11/26/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Xcel Energy, Kiewit Power Engineers, Western Resources, Project, World Power Generation, USA

Monitoring Topics Covered in August 24 Hot Topic Hour

In the hot topic hour on August 24 Mcilvaine covered several subjects important to the monitoring industry. Debbie Fox analyzed the impact of the CSAPR vacatur. Pictures of presenters and of exhibitor stands were accompanied by discussions of process monitoring in waste to energy plants, the multi metals analyzer, the MATS condundrum, boiler combustion optimization , a rapid measurement for particles in ambient air, and protocol gases, and a new SO3 monitor

Revision Date:  8/28/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Pall Corporation, Institute of Clean Air Companies, AMC Power / Air Monitor Corp., Eli Lilly, Thermo Scientific, ERM, Praxair, Ormantine USA, Kiewit Power Engineers, McIlvaine, ABB, Combustion Optimization, Metal Analyzer, VOC, Protocol Gases, SO3, Regulation, Standards, Mercury, Monitoring

Fundamentals of Cooling Tower Heat Transfer, presented by Brad Buecker, Kiewit Power Engineers, at Electric Utility Chemistry Workshop, June 7-9, 2011, Champaign, Illinois

Fundamentals of Cooling Tower Heat Transfer Brad Buecker, Kiewit Power Engineers Many power plants and other industrial facilities utilize open recirculating cooling systems equipped with cooling towers for heat transfer from condensers and auxiliary heat exchangers. Cooling towers commonly sit well away from the main plant, and it is often possible to forget about them until something goes awry. This talk outlines the fundamentals of heat transfer in a cooling tower and important issues for maximizing heat exchange.

Revision Date:  4/14/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit Power Engineers, Cooling Tower, Cooling, USA

Electric Power Conference, Chicago, Illinois, May 10-12, 2011 / Exhibitors

A number of air pollution system and coal fired boiler component suppliers, as well as some water oriented companies, will be exhibiting.

Revision Date:  3/9/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, NeuCo, Metso, NWL Transformers, Nalco Mobotec, Milton Roy, Layne Christensen, KSB, Oak Park Chimney, KE Burgmann, Siemens Energy, Johnson Matthey, Horn Industrial Services, Kiewit Power Engineers, Paragon Airheater Technologies, Pennsylvania Crusher, Praxair, Roberts & Schaefer, CoaLogix, SOLVAir Solutions, SPX Flow Technology, Zachry, Veolia ES / Special Services, Swan Analytical Instruments, Hitachi Power Systems America, Hadek, Curtiss-Wright, International Chimney, Ovivo USA, Whiting Corporation, Vector Construction, Pentair Flow Technologies, Titan Fabrication, Sulzer Turbo Services, Pullman Energy Services, Nickel Systems, National Steel Erection, Air - Cure, Masaba Mining Equipment, National Steel City, Heyl & Patterson, FMC Corporation, East Jordan Iron Works, Degremont Technologies, Day & Zimmermann, Cambria Contracting, Burns & McDonnell, BRUKS Rockwood, Babcock & Wilcox, Grindex Pumps, Clyde Bergemann, Allied Environmental Solutions, Fujikin, Fuel Tech, FLSmidth, Everlasting Valve, Endress + Hauser, Eaton, DustMASTER Enviro Systems, Dustex, Donaldson, Graycor, Infilco Degremont, GE Energy, Chemco Systems, Calgon Carbon, Blome International, Barnhart Crane & Rigging, Apollo Valves, Atlas Copco, USA