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Data Search on:   Competitive Power Ventures

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Competitive Power Ventures Contacts

Contacts at Competitive Power Ventures (CPV) based in Silver Spring, MD.

Revision Date:  11/13/2012

Tags:  Competitive Power Ventures, Directory, World Power Generation

Valley Will Use Treated Wastewater for Boiler Feed and Will Have Small Wastewater Treatment System

This project will use treated wastewater for boiler feed water and will use air cooled condensers from the Middletown sewage treatment plants. There will be a wastewater treatment systems for blowdown from the HRSG systems, for discharge from the oil , water separator, backwash from demineralizer microfiltration unit and others.

Revision Date:  11/13/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Competitive Power Ventures, Wastewater Reuse, Boiler Feedwater Treatment, World Power Generation, USA

CPV Moving Ahead with 762 MW Smyth County, VA Power Plant

Competitive Power Ventures (CPV) is moving forward with its plans for a 762 MW combined cycle facility in Smyth County, Virginia.

Revision Date:  11/13/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Competitive Power Ventures, Project, World Power Generation, USA