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$6 Billion Market for NOx Control Consumables

In 2019 stationary sources will spend $2 billion for catalysts and $4 billion for treatment chemicals to reduce NOx. This is the latest forecast in N035 NOx Control World Market. The largest purchasing segment will be coal fired boilers. This segment is shifting geographically as India is retrofitting a number of its boilers. The retrofit market in China has leveled off since a very large catalyst manufacturing industry was created. The U.S. coal fired NOx market will remain flat. The EU will show a modest gain. Stricter EU-wide standards for emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) will have to be met by 2021. Other markets are smaller than the coal fired power market. The gas turbine market continues to grow. This includes oxidation catalysts as well as SCR catalysts. Waste to energy plants are being built everywhere but the U.S. There are various requirements for Nox control in most industries with combustion processes. There are a number of catalyst suppliers. Improvements in technology include the combination oxidation and SCR catalyst supplied by Cormetech. The catalytic filter is a new development which could substantially affect the market. Dürr supplies Catalytic Candle Filters (CCF). The catalytically coated filter candles can withstand temperatures of up to 716° F, simultaneously remove dust, sulfur dioxides (Sox), and nitrogen dioxides (Nox) from the exhaust air. A number of biomass and glass plants have incorporated this technology in Europe and the U.S. Glass producer Libbey is the first manufacturer to use the new exhaust air purification technology in its plant in Beijing. There are a few major companies providing the Nox reagents. Yara is unusual in that it supplies SNCR systems as well as reagents. Yara is one of the largest producers in the world of ammonia and urea, with one third of the ammonia traded in the world being supplied by Yara. The company ships ammonia and urea around the world to SCR and SNCR customers via a network of 30 plants and 200 terminals and warehouses.

Revision Date:  1/25/2019

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 327310 - Cement Manufacturing 水泥生产, Yara, SCR, Ammonia, SNCR, Urea, Market