Internal Data Search by Corporation Name

Data Search on:   Tennessee Valley Authority

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TVA investing in many projects to meet the CCR requirements

Plans have been made for each coal plant with various alternatives depending on changes in the regulations. Details on the plans for each plant are provided.

Revision Date:  7/11/2019

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Tennessee Valley Authority, Regulations & Policy, Reviews, USA

TVA has a new ash dewatering system at Gallatin

The Tennessee Valley Authority is touting a newly operational treatment plan to reduce its land footprint for dealing with coal ash at its six-decade-old, coal-fired Gallatin Fossil power plant.

Revision Date:  7/11/2019

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Tennessee Valley Authority, Water Management System, Coal Ash Ponds, Water Management, USA

Court Says TVA is Legally Responsible for Coal Sludge Spill

The Tennessee Valley Authority is legally responsible for a 2008 accident that sent five million cubic yards of toxic coal sludge oozing into a small community in eastern Tennessee, a federal judge ruled on Thursday. U.S. District Judge Thomas Varlan said the levee that was supposed to keep the wet coal ash confined failed because of conduct on the part of the authority. As a result, he said, the federally owned utility will have to pay unspecified damages to more than 800 plaintiffs who sued after the spill. "Had TVA followed its own mandatory policies, procedures, and practices, the subsurface issues underlying the failure of North Dike would have been investigated, addressed, and potentially remedied before the catastrophic failure," Varlan wrote. The TVA said in a statement that it had already purchased nearly 180 properties affected by the spill, settled more than 200 other claims submitted by residents and paid $43 million to the Roane County Economic Development Foundation for use by communities in the affected area. "Since the spill in December 2008, TVA's commitment has not wavered - to clean up the spill, protect the public health and safety, restore the area, and, where justified, fairly compensate people who were directly impacted," the utility said. Thursday's ruling signals the beginning of a new phase in their litigation against the TVA. The plaintiffs will now have to go back to court and prove that they were each directly impacted by the spill.

Revision Date:  8/28/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Tennessee Valley Authority, Flyash, Regulation, Monitoring