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Dry Sorbent Injection Options and Issues Webinar Recording - Hot Topic Hour April 9, 2015

DSI is an effective Route for SO3, SO2, and HCl reduction.

Revision Date:  4/10/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ClearChem Development LLC, Mississippi Lime, Mobotec (USA), Lhoist North America, AECOM, Limestone, Sodium Bisulfate, Sodium, Lime, HCl, SO2, SO3, CFD

Enabling New Operational Efficiencies by Controlling Emissions from Coal Plants effectively and inexpensively by Shuman Moore, ClearChem - Hot Topic Hour April 9, 2015

Shuman asserted that very fine powdered limestone is an attractive alternative to other sorbents.

Revision Date:  4/10/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ClearChem Development LLC, Limestone, Lime, SO2

ClearChem Plus, Durr Ceramic Filter and Heat Exchanger Are the One Stop Shopping Option

For new units (& some existing plants), the combination of ClearChemFSI’s furnace sorbent injection (FSI) and Dürr’s catalytic ceramic filtration (CCF) ensures sufficient acid gas removal, allowing: *Use of condensing heat exchangers (CHX) *Lowering of flue gas exit temperature from ~300+oF to ~140oF *Increase the overall plant efficiency (as a rule of thumb every 40oF lower flue gas temperature equals to 1% efficiency gain) *Maximizes flexibility for profitably meeting retrofit and new plant APC requirements *Most existing unit retrofits can use just ClearChemFSI & Dürr CHX for efficiency gain and avoids NSR *Provides attractive, simple payback terms *ClearChem/Dürr dry ash has no sodium, preserves ash sales & eliminates ash ponds

Revision Date:  2/23/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ClearChem Development LLC, Direct Sorbent Injection, Ceramic Filter, Heat Exchanger, Emissions Control