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Longking Dry Scrubbing at Baosteel Plant

Commissioned in July of 2009, the desulfurization project at Baosteel’s Electrical Power Plant handles 2.4 million cubic meters of Flue Gas an hour and removes 95% of the SO2 content. 宝钢集团梅钢公司400m2烧结机干法脱硫工程 机组容量:400m2 系统流程:LJS干法脱硫→布袋除尘器→脱硫风机→烟囱 处理烟气量:2,400,000 m3/h 脱硫效率:95% 出口粉尘浓度:20mg/Nm3 投运时间:2009年7月

Revision Date:  8/1/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Baosteel, Longking, Dry FGD, Desulfurization

Baosteel Supplies Super Heavy Nitrogen Containing Stainless Steel Plants to Shanghai Electric Taishan Nuclear

Recently, the world's first EPR nuclear power and nuclear island safety injection tank is sent from Shanghai Electric Power Equipment Co., Ltd. and is shipped to Taishan (Guangdong) Nuclear Power Station unit 1 project site. The set consists world leading technology and has the largest single unit capacity. The material is provided exclusively by Baosteel and the set is made of super-heavy Nitrogen-containing stainless steel plates, which represent the highest level in today's nuclear power steel key areas. Last September, the first batch of super heavy Nitrogen containing stainless steel plates produced independently by Baosteel was delivered to Shanghai Electric. The certification by authority shows that the product's quality fully meets the requirements of EPR nuclear power safety injection tank steel and reached the level of foreign product quality, with some indicators even better than foreign products. This is also the first time that domestic nuclear power project uses domestic stainless steel in nuclear island key equipment production. It is reported that Baosteel has provided Taishan EPR nuclear power safety injection tank with 530 tons of super heavy stainless steel plates.

Revision Date:  6/30/2011

Tags:  221113 - Nuclear Electric Power Generation * , Industeel, Baosteel, Shanghai Electric, Taishan Nuclear Power Plant, Plate, EPR Reactor