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KCPL summary of Nox and SO2 initiatives as of 2011

As of 2011 Montrose, Sibley and Lake Road considering dry sobent injection, but SCR at LyCygne reducing Nox by 90%. Iatan SCR reducing Nox by 75%, while scrubber reduces SO2 by 99%.

Revision Date:  1/26/2019

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kansas City Power and Light, SCR, Direct Sorbent Injection, FGD

KCPL Bart analysis showed DSI cost effective for LyCgne 1&2

The 2006 analysis by Trinity consultants analyzd options for SO2 and Nox reduction and concluded that dierct sorbent injection would meet the requirements at a low capital cost.

Revision Date:  1/26/2019

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kansas City Power and Light, Direct Sorbent Injection, SCR