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Upgrading limestone scrubber system

MET has one of the largest reference lists of FGD scrubbers with some of the systems dating back more than 40 years. There are a number of ways to improve performance by improving the distribution and quantity of the sprayed liquid. Another option is to install a tray in an existing open spray tower. This paper was presented in 2012 but will prove useful to owners thinking about upgrades.

Revision Date:  8/29/2019

Tags:  MET, Scrubber

Upgrading limestone scrubber system

MET has one of the largest reference lists of FGD scrubbers with some of the systems dating back more than 40 years. There are a number of ways to improve performance by improving the distribution and quantity of the sprayed liquid. Another option is to install a tray in an existing open spray tower. This paper was presented in 2012 but will prove useful to owners thinking about upgrades.

Revision Date:  8/29/2019

Tags:  MET, Scrubber