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Coal analyzer at Hunter Station used to optimize coal blends

In order to estimate the ash fusion temperatures in the coal being sent to the power plant PacifiCorp Hunter Station needed an analyzer that could measure the ash constituents whose proportions determine ash fusion. The Gamma-Metrics Coal Quality Manager (CQM) analyzer from Thermo Electron Corporation provides minute-by-minute analysis of SiO2 , Al2 O3 , Fe2 O3 , CaO, TiO2 , K2 O, and Na2 O in the ash. PacifiCorp installed one of these units in its coal yard to blend coals of differing ash composition, in order to keep the blended coal’s ash softening temperature above 2175degrees F. In order to take advantage of the potential of this instrument several steps had to be taken. First the analyzer had to be rigorously calibrated and evaluated in the field to verify that the desired accuracy was achieved. Meanwhile the utility had to analyze its boiler characteristics and coal characteristics to be able to derive an ash fusion equation appropriate to the plant. Then the necessary operational steps had to be taken to ensure that source coals capable of achieving the target blend could be initially segregated and then blended at the correct ratios. After some startup difficulties, the analyzer and the blending system have been very successful in maximizing the ash softening temperatures, and the plant has substantially reduced its forced outages due to slagging while burning a variety of available fuels.

Revision Date:  12/9/2016

Tags:  Thermo Fisher, BHE Environmental, Inc., Analyzer, Coal

Richard Winslow is a niche expert on power plant lubrication

Richard Winslow is a niche expert on power plant lubrication We first learned about Richard’s lubrication expertise in an article he wrote when he was with PacifiCorp. There was a pulverizer wear problem at the Naughton plant of Pacific Corp. An advanced filtration technology for the coal pulverizer was determined to be readily available for heavy gear oil that would meet solve the maintenance problems. An off-line kidney loop filtration package using a high-efficiency, high-dirt-holding capacity, synthetic filter media was solved the problem. Richard moved on from PacifiCorp and most recently has been in Alaska with ConocoPhillips. He has agreed to a niche expert role in our linkedin discussions and decision system. In addition to his Naughton paper we have also include his paper on minimizing bacterial contamination. His resume is attached.

Revision Date:  11/23/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Niche Expert, Lubrication

Bacterial Contamination of Turbine and Circulating Lube Oil Systems

Bacterial contamination of large circulating oil systems in steam turbines is an expensive problem. This paper describes the problem and lists the types of lubricants and conditions that appear to be most susceptible, methods of treatment and known methods to clean up and prevent bacterial contamination.

Revision Date:  11/23/2016

Tags:  PacifiCorp, BHE Environmental, Inc., Lubrication

BHE Safety relief valves needed by many BHE plants

BHE Safety relief valves needed by many BHE plants We have provided three tiers of information relative to some of the safety relief valve initiatives at BHE. This is a brief summary which links to much more detailed information. This second tier contains links to insurance reports, bidders lists and other full reports. • Pacificorp Currant Creek GTCC plant approved bidders list lists GE ( Consolidated as the preferred supplier with Pentair and Curtiss Wright as acceptable safety relief valve suppliers for a gas turbine combined cycle projects • The Pacificorp Hunter Staton 2002 insurance report discusses a generator failure of the generator and comments on safety relief valves. • A report on Pacificcorp Prospect No. 3 hydroelectric project relicensing covers PRV where critical to ramping events . • There was an investigation into Gas transmission relief valve failure in Utah. • Chehalis generating station energy savings projects analysis conducted by Cascade Energy included relief valves for lubricant filter systems • Lakeside Power Block 2 has relief valves for the ammonia tank and relief valves for the water injection system plus recirculation valves • A biogas generator includes tanks used in the anaerobic digestion process with emergency relief valves With 110 gas turbine power plants, 41 coal fired boilers, 71 compressor stations, and many geothermal, wind and solar plants BHE is a major user of safety relieve valves.

Revision Date:  11/18/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Valve, Safety Valve

Interconnecting compressor initiatives at BHE

BHE has 110 gas turbine units, 4l coal fired plants, 71 compressor stations and many renewable energy facilities. Compressors are used at many of the locations. The bidders list on gas turbine plant shows Gardner Denver as preferred and several others including Atlas Copco as acceptable. Another show Atlas Copco as preferred and Gardner Denver as acceptable. The new interconnect program for BVHE created by McIlvaine will help the plans communicate and lead to global specifying. Here are examples of the compressors being specified

Revision Date:  11/18/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Compressor

Corporation decisions based on shared values and CSR

Mike Sullivan of BHE Energy points to the Scandinavian policies to insure that corporations include social values in their decision making. He talks about incorporating the shared values of the employees as one aspect. We suggest you read this thought provoking article but also review the McIlvaine Sustainability Universal Rating System . This system provides a way to more accurately determine the values of BHE employees but also voters. The recent election underscores the importance of understanding the values which are important to voters.

Revision Date:  11/14/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Sustainability

Calcium bromide success at Coalstrip

Coalstrip is partially owned by BHE PacifiCorp. Calcium bromide was successfully tested at the plant in 2007 with the following results. It achieved about 90% reduction in mercury emissions and an emission rate of about 1lb/Tbtu

Revision Date:  11/7/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Calcium Bromide, Mercury

PacifiCorp estimates of CCR compliance are challenged

HEAL questioned the PacifiCorp plans to meet CCR in September 2016. (See details in McIlvaine's Coal Fired Power Plant Decisions.) As of October 19, 2015, PacifiCorp had nine surface impoundments and four landfills that are subject to the CCR rule. PacifiCorp is currently in the process of closing four of the nine impoundments. *However, EPA recently vacated the provisions of its 2015 coal ash rule exempting early closure impoundments. Therefore, PacifiCorp’s four early closure impoundments will be subject to additional compliance obligations, including monitoring and possibly remediation requirements. In addition, Rocky Mountain Power has posted CCR Rule and Compliance Data and Information on its Webpage, as the EPA’s CCR rule requires. These documents outline the company’s plans with regard to the Dave Johnston, Hunter, Huntington, Jim Bridger, and Naughton power plants. While this information is helpful, HEAL says is incomplete for purposes of integrated resource planning.

Revision Date:  11/7/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., CCR, Regulation

2014 BHE testimony on the gas turbine, coal and geothermal projects in Utah

The purpose of Chad Teply testimony was to support the prudence of capital investments in the new Lake Side 2 combined cycle combustion turbine (“CCCT”) natural gas fueled resource, certain pollution control equipment retrofits on existing coal fueled resources, and other significant generation plant projects being placed in service during the test period in this docket, July 1, 2014 through July 2015. This included the Hayden SCR and the Blundell geothermal resource well integration project and 1 the Naughton Unit 3 natural gas conversion project. The Blundell geothermal resource well integration project integrates two 108 new geothermal resource wells into the Blundell generation system. One production well and one injection well, along with associated appurtenances, have been drilled and will be placed in service to support continued reliable electricity production at the site. Lake Side 2 is nominally rated at 548 MW base load 130 and 97 MW of duct firing for a total net capacity of 645 MW at the average 131 ambient temperate of 52 degrees Fahrenheit. Each combustion turbine exhausts 132 into its own heat recovery steam generator which then commonly supply a single 133 steam turbine generator. The electrical energy generated by Lake Side 2 will be delivered to a new 345 kV point of interconnection substation (Steel Mill) where it will tie into the PacifiCorp transmission system.

Revision Date:  11/7/2016

Tags:  221116 - Geothermal Power , BHE Environmental, Inc., Duct Burner, Substation

Rate increase based on various projects at BHE RMP

This rate increase testimony shows the large number of people in various groups at RMP and its consultants who are involved with FERC discussions. The Commission approved RMP’s application for a rate increase, with adjustments, for a revenue requirement of $20,188,227 from $32,365,515, a return on equity of 9.5% from 10.00%, and a rate of return of 7.412% from 7.669%On March 3, 2014, RMP submitted an application requesting authority to increase its retail electric utility service rates by approximately $36.1 million per year, or 5.3 percent. RMP included with its application the prefiled direct testimony of 17 witnesses: A. Richard Walje, RMP President and Chief Executive Officer (Ex. 2); Bruce N. Williams, RMP Vice President and Treasurer (Ex. 3); Samuel C. Hadaway, a principal in FINANCO, Inc., Financial Analysis Consultants (Ex. 4); Steven R. McDougal, RMP Director of Revenue Requirement (Ex. 5); Kelcey A. Brown, RMP Manager of Load Forecasting (Ex. 6); Gregory N. Duvall, RMP Director of Net Power Costs (Ex. 7); Cindy A. Crane, Vice President Inter-West Mining Company and Fuel Resources for PacifiCorp Energy (Ex. 8); Rick T. Link, Director of Commercial and Trading for PacifiCorp Energy (Ex. 9); Chad A. Teply, Vice President of Resource Development and Construction for PacifiCorp Energy (Ex. 10); Dana M. Ralston, RMP Vice President of Thermal Generation (Ex. 11); Mark R. Tallman, RMP Vice President of Renewable Resources (Ex. 12); Natalie L. Hocken, RMP Senior Vice President of Transmission and System Operations (Ex. 13); Douglas N. Bennion, RMP Vice President of Engineering Services and Asset Management (Ex. 14); Erich D. Wilson, RMP Director of Human Resources (Ex. 15); Douglas K. Stuver, RMP Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (Ex. 16); Joelle R. Steward, RMP Director of Pricing, Cost of Service and Regulatory Operations (Ex. 17); and F. Robert Stewart, RMP Regulatory Consultant, Customer and Regulatory Liaison in the Customer Service Department. (Ex. 18).

Revision Date:  11/7/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Project, Prices

Wastewater permit for coal and combustion turbine plants in Gillette Wyoming

This 2015 permit authorizes the discharge of wastewater from six coal fired power plants, two combustion turbine power plants, and one coal mine. The Neil Simpson and Wygen generating power plants and the coal mine are located approximately six miles east of Gillette, Wyoming. Most of the wastewater generated by the facility is recycled, so this facility rarely discharges. Discharges usually occur in response to large storm events. Note below that the facilities are air-cooled, so they do not discharge cooling water. Therefore, 316(b) regulations do not apply. In addition, make-up water is partially treated water from the Gillette wastewater treatment plant, not waters of the Wastewater originating from the variety of sources is routed to a two cell settling pond. The first pond, called the Bottom Ash Settling Pond, functions to provide settlement for sediments and ash by-products. Wastewater from this pond overflows to the second pond called the Clear Pond. The Clear Pond has an outlet structure (Outfall 001) that allows the discharge of the treated wastewater to Donkey Creek. However, because a majority of the wastewater that enters the settling ponds is recycled, there is seldom a discharge to the creek.

Revision Date:  11/7/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Regulation, Wastewater

Huntington 1 and other Western States CCP plans

Jeff Burks of Energy Strategies presented plans in October 2015 for Western States to meet CO2 emissions. A graph shows the Huntington 1 emissions with no changes and the goal with reductions starting in 2022.

Revision Date:  11/7/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., CO2, Regulation

Older test data on CaBr2 performance

The older field testing program by NETL included references to BHE Dave Johnston and Coal Creek where ACI was compared to CaBr2 Using CaBr2 injection to achieve 85% total Hg removal at the “representative” PRB-fired unit equipped with an SCR, results in 20-year levelized costs of 0.13 mills/kWh and $2,800/lb Hg removed. This analysis shows that Hg control via CaBr2 coal treatment is not a capital-intensive process and high levels of FGD Hg capture can be achieved at relatively low injection rates, particularly at units equipped with an SCR for Nox control.

Revision Date:  11/7/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Mercury, Calcium Bromide

Naughton September 2016 Air Permit Application to modify H2S04 emission limit

Recent testing has demonstrated that the 0.004 lb/MMBtu emission rate is not achievable with the BACT equipment that has been installed. This permit application is to reevaluate the potential impacts of the SO3 injection system and permit an H2SO4 rate that will be achievable given the specific ambient conditions and coal characteristics that exist at the Naughton Power Plant. After evaluating the information submitted by PacifiCorp and reviewing the RBLC for similarly controlled units, the Division considers installation of alkali wet scrubbers on Units 1 and 2, meeting an emissions limit of 0.0055 lb/MMBtu, and meeting a SO3 injection limit of 4 ppmv, annual average of four (4) quarterly tests, to represent BACT for Units 1 and 2. Project emissions were estimated based on potential to emit. The new limit is in effect for PM based on MACT UUUUU requirements of 0.03 lb/MMBtu for filterable PM for EGUs, which went into effect April 16, 2015. The potential to emit for Unit 1 is based on the limit of 0.03 lb/MMBtu PM (filterable) + 0.007 lb/MMBtu PM (condensable) and the design firing rate of the unit. The potential to emit for Unit 2 is based on the limit of 0.03 lb/MMBtu PM (filterable) + 0.011 lb/MMBtu PM (condensable) and the design firing rate of the unit. Condensable is based on maximum historical condensable rate plus projected incremental increase from Hg control technology. For Unit 1, the maximum historical condensable PM emission rate was 0.0070 lb/MMBtu and the incremental condensable PM increase from the mercury control technology (calcium bromide injection – CaBr2) was projected at 0.00037 lb/MMBtu. This provides a total projected condensable PM emission rate of 0.00737 lb/MMBtu which was rounded to 0.007 lb/MMBtu in the September 22, 2015 application to permit the Unit 1 and Unit 2 H2SO4 emission limits at 0.0055 lb/MMBtu. For Unit 2, the maximum historical condensable PM emission rate was 0.0111 lb/MMbtu and the incremental condensable PM increase from the calcium bromide mercury control technology was also projected at 0.00037 lb/MMBtu. This provides a projected total condensable PM emission rate of 0.01147 lb/MMBtu which was rounded to 0.011 lb/MMBtu in the September 22, 2015 permit application. Note that the projected incremental CPM increase of 0.00037 lb/MMBtu from the CaBr2 mercury control technology was included in the December 11, 2013 application to permit the Naughton plant’s mercury control technology systems.

Revision Date:  11/7/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., SO3 Conditioning, Calcium Bromide

Valve Market strategy focused on large purchasers such as BHE

This article in the December issue of Valve World by Mcilvaine advises suppliers of high performance valves to identify the largest purchasers and build the marketing program around them. An opportunity to work with BHE who spends $ 90 million/yr on valves is explained.

Revision Date:  11/7/2016

Tags:  221118 - Other Electric Power , 221118 - Other Electric Power , 221111 - Hydroelectric Power Generation 水力发电, 221114 - Wind Power , 221118 - Other Electric Power , BHE Environmental, Inc., Valve

SCR and calcium bromide to be used at Jim Bridger 3 and 4

Chad Teply of BHE testified in 2012 as to the reasons SCR and CaBr2 injection were the best choice for Jim Bridger 3 & 4. The substantial capital investment was based on a retirement date of these units in 2037. The unit 3 system was to be installed in 2015 and unit 4 in 2016. The Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 emissions control investments proposed in the Request are SCR systems and associated ancillary equipment for each unit. Each SCR system would be comprised of two separate universal reactors, with multiple catalyst levels; inlet and outlet ductwork; a shared ammonia reagent system; an economizer upgrade; structural reinforcement of the boiler and flue gas path ductwork and equipment; and extension of the existing plant distributed control system (“DCS”). An induced draft (“ID”) fan upgrade and an associated auxiliary power system variable frequency drive (“VFD”) insertion is required on Unit 4 only. Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 it will be necessary to add a coal additive, namely calcium bromide (“CaBr2”), to oxidize mercury and then add a scrubber additive to prevent readmission of mercury in the scrubber system. The potential exists to reduce the coal additive requirements due to the SCR.

Revision Date:  11/7/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Calcium Bromide, Variable Frequency Drive, SCR, Mercury, Fan

MidAmerican Energy Company Energy Isolation Program

Mid American Energy Isolation program sets procedures for maintaining wind components including lubrication pumps. Tom Daft of Mid American presented the program focused on keeping wind turbines safe and reliable. There are procedures for the following • Main Tower AC Tower Breaker • 575 VAC to LVMD; Control Voltage • 50 kVa Transformer • Converter • Pitch Slip Ring • Gearbox Lubrication Pump • Gear Box Cooler Fan • Yaw Drive System • Hydraulic Brake Unit And 10 other systems…

Revision Date:  11/2/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Pump, Wind Turbine

Neal North CCR Plan

On April 17, 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the final version of the federal coal combustion residuals rule (CCR Rule) to regulate the disposal of CCR materials generated at coalfired units. The rule is being administered as part of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA, 42 U.S.C. §6901 et seq.), using the Subtitle D approach. MidAmerican Energy Company (MEC) is subject to the CCR Rule and as such has developed a Fugitive Dust Control Plan for all sites handling and disposing of CCR per 40 CFR 257.80. This report provides the Fugitive Dust Control Plan for the George Neal Station North (Neal North) located near Sergeant Bluff, Iowa. This Fugitive Dust Control Plan is in addition to, not in place of, any other applicable site permits, environmental standards, or work safety practices. Bottom ash and economizer ash is handled wet and sluiced to CCR impoundments onsite. Since the CCR is sluiced in a wet condition via pipeline to site impoundments, there are no potential fugitive dust sources in the handling of bottom/economizer ash both at the source of the CCR and at the discharge point in the impoundments. MEC is currently evaluating converting the system to dry handling; should dry handling be implemented for any of the units at Neal North, there will be an amendment to this plan to address dust controls for drying handling.

Revision Date:  10/19/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Flyash, Regulation