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Ceramic and Polymer Corrosion Control by Joe Vandiver, Cera-Corr Systems - Hot Topic Hour January 7, 2011

Joe Vandiver, President of Cera-Corr Systems, explained that the company offers a choice as designers and constructors of monolithic, ceramic tile lined, reinforced concrete scrubber vessels (aka Stebbins Type), ceramic tile lining technology in concert and flakeglass reinforced laminate resin lining systems. The partners which include Universal Blastco, TAC and Blome, have experience with hundreds of scrubber systems. A new monolithic tile lined concrete vessel has lots of advantages including speed of construction (4ft/day vs. 1ft/day).

Revision Date:  1/7/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Cera-Corr Systems, Lining, FGD

Corrosion Issues in and Materials for Power Plant APC Systems Webinar - Part 2 - January 7, 2011.

Three speakers discussed the latest developments in materials for corrosion prevention or reduction for the various APC equipment in a typical coal-fired power plant based on plant specific site conditions, capital cost, maintenance and life time and provided an update of the current developments, on-going testing or performance of installations of corrosion resistant materials or new technology being developed at their respective companies.

Revision Date:  1/7/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Hadek, Cera-Corr Systems, Ashland Performance Materials, FGD, Lining, Chimney, Duct