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Regional haze ruling for Pacific Corp

This July 5 2016 Federal register document partially approves and disapproves the original Utah plan. It rules that the BART alternative submitted in the Utah plan is not acceptable relative to NOx emissions at 4 units located at the Hunter and Huntington plants in Utah.

Revision Date:  7/15/2016

Tags:  PacifiCorp, Yokogawa Corporation of America, TDL-IR, Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy, Analyzer, NOx

Yokogawa instrumentation for efficient combustion control

Use of gas measurement with TDL improves combustion efficiency and lowers emissions. Tunable Diode laser spectroscopy ( TDLS) using infra red ( IR) technology can measure a number of gases including oxygen. This presentation from a 2015 industrial conference in Europe shows an example where the Yokogawa TDLS was used to reduce excess air from 3.5% to less than 1 %. Yokogawa and its competitor Zolo are supplying TLDS analyzers. In Pacific Corp session 1 the Yokogawa analyzer was mentioned. So this paper is being added to the intelligence system with the expectation that more specifically applicable information will be forthcoming.

Revision Date:  7/15/2016

Tags:  PacifiCorp, Yokogawa Corporation of America, Analyzer, NOx, Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy, TDL-IR