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Flue Gas Mercury Removal Using Carbon-Polymer Composite Material, Presentation Linked from McIlvaine Speech in English

Summary •A unique sorbent material, carbon polymer composite material (CPC), has been developed for flue gas mercury and other contaminates removal •The CPC material is deployed in a stationary sorbent bed applications, and the sorbent bed does not require a frequent regeneration process •Field demonstration tests have shown that the CPC bed is effective for Hg/SOx removal (in coal-fired power plant after a wet scrubber) for long-term (4-5 months without requiring frequent regeneration or maintenance processes) •We will perform a preliminary engineering economic analysis is to assess the feasibility of retrofitting the CPC to the existing power plant and cost, and conduct a medium scale field demonstration this year, and a full-scale field demonstration afterward W.L. Gore & Association

Revision Date:  4/25/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, W. L. Gore, Mercury, China

Fabric Selection for Coal-fired Boilers Webinar - Hot Topic Hour October 28, 2010

A large group of attendees heard five very good presentations related to the selection of the best filter media to meet the various coming regulations for PM2.5. Attendees agreed that the fundamental filtration capability of the vast majority of fabrics available today, as measured by laboratory tests, far exceeds any existing or expected emission control requirement and the performance of many is below the minimum detectable limit of the test methods. Several presenters pointed out that while the results of these evaluations can be a good guide for filter efficiency and pressure drop, the actual performance of filter material will rarely achieve the levels seen in these tests. This is because the actual performance is dependent on many factors related to the specific site conditions. This causes a concern in the industry that regulators will assume that lab test results are indicative of actual performance and expect the same performance at every installation. Dr. McKenna indicated that because filter media performance was so good, future enforcement will most likely be focused on plant baghouse O&M. He also stated that it will be important to demonstrate what aspects of O&M plans are practical and valuable, so that regulators do not make these plans an operational nightmare.

Revision Date:  10/28/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Toray Fluorofibers, Midwesco, ETS, EPSCO, W. L. Gore

How to get the most out of your Baghouse with Gore ePTFE Filter Media by John Darrow, W. L. Gore - Hot Topic Hour October 28, 2010

John Darrow, Energy Market Specialist at W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc., described the characteristics of ePTFE membrane filter media and compared them to other media available. He said that 35 EGUs were now using this material. However, because of higher material cost, it was not necessarily the best solution for every power plant. He described a four-step process to go through to determine what the best media would be for a specific power plant to achieve the objective – “Getting the Lowest Annualized Cost w/o Emissions Problems.”

Revision Date:  10/28/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, W. L. Gore, Membrane

Biography of John Darrow - W. L. Gore - Hot Topic Hour October 28, 2010

BIO: John has been involved in air pollution control for more than 35 years. Currently he is the Energy Market Specialist for W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc (Elkton, MD). He joined Gore in 1982.  Prior to Gore, John worked for Sargent & Lundy, Buell Envirotech, Wheelabrator-Frye and Niro Atomizer. 

Revision Date:  10/28/2010

Tags:  W. L. Gore

Utility MACT – Impact and Compliance Strategy Webinar - Hot Topic Hour February 17, 2011

The Utility MACT is moving forward and the proposal is being reviewed by OMB. It will require substantial investments over the next few years. This coincides with investments by industrial boiler owners and cement plants, so the available resources may be strained. Presentations on Thursday covered the regulations, the analysis required and the control technology.

Revision Date:  2/17/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, W. L. Gore, CEFCO Global Clean Energy, Black & Veatch, AECOM, Fabric Filter, Consulting, FGD, MACT

Options for PM, Dioxin/Furan and Mercury Control using ePTFE Technologies by John Darrow, W. L. Gore - Hot Topic Hour February 17, 2011

John Darrow, Associate at W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc., discussed expanded polytetra-fluoroethylene (ePTFE) based products that could provide solutions to new compliance challenges for PM, dioxin/furan (D/F) and mercury. There was a summary of the potential for ePTFE membrane filter bags for PM control, REMDIA catalytic filtration systems for D/F control and a new carbon polymer composite material for mercury control. The composite material was of great interest to the participants who asked about pressure drop (low), efficiency (70-90 percent in addition to the scrubber removal) and elemental mercury removal (high). Testing is taking place at the Southern Yates station with EPRI also involved. This technology could be used as a second step if the initial attempt to remove mercury in the scrubber falls short. Since this device follows the scrubber it is better suited for a plant with a scrubber. Activated carbon would be injected ahead of the scrubber and would have the effect of reducing the amount removed in the scrubber. Therefore large amounts of carbon would be required to gain small efficiency increases.

Revision Date:  2/17/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, W. L. Gore, Fabric Filter, MACT

Filter Media Selection for Dry FGD and Particulate Control - Hot Topic Hour August 11, 2011

The importance of filter media selection for dry FGD and Particulate Control was discussed.

Revision Date:  8/11/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Sargent & Lundy, Midwest Energy Emissions Corp, W. L. Gore, Hamon Research-Cottrell, Filter Media, Pulse Jet

ePTFE Membrane Filter Media for Dry FGD Systems by Terry Wanta, W. L. Gore - Hot Topic Hour August 11, 2011

Terry Wanta discussed the impact a dry injection system or dry scrubber can have on the filter media, the various filter material choices available, and how ePTFE membrane media may improve operations while meeting the required regulatory limits.

Revision Date:  8/11/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, W. L. Gore, Filter Media

Mercury Measurement and Control Webinar - Hot Topic Hour March 15, 2012

Presentations about new ways to control mercury and to measure it. Sorbent traps were discussed as an alternative to CEMS. Three alternatives to activated carbon were claimed to be more cost effective.

Revision Date:  3/15/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, CleanAir Engineering, W. L. Gore, Midwest Energy Emissions Corp, Shaw Group, Sorbent Trap, Fixed Bed Adsorber, Continuous Emissions Monitor, Chemical Injection, Air Quality, Mercury, Monitoring, Air Pollution Control

GORE® Mercury Control System by John Darrow and Jeff Kolde, W. L. Gore - Hot Topic Hour March 15, 2012

John and Jeff described a new fixed-bed sorbent technology for controlling mercury emissions from combustion applications.

Revision Date:  3/15/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, W. L. Gore, Fixed Bed Adsorber, Mercury, Air Quality, Air Pollution Control

Inlet Pretreatment for Gas Turbines Webinar - Hot Topic Hour March 14, 2013

Gas turbine performance and maintenance are greatly affected by the cleanliness and physical properties of the incoming air.

Revision Date:  3/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, W. L. Gore, Nederman, TDC Filter, Kiewit Power Engineers, Chiller, HEPA Filter, Air Filter, Cooling, Air Filtration, Air Intake

A new HEPA Solution for Gas Turbine Inlet Air Filtration by Tom Kelmartin, W. L. Gore & Associates - Hot Topic Hour March 14, 2013.

A new HEPA solution for gas turbine inlet air filtration.

Revision Date:  3/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, W. L. Gore, HEPA Filter, Air Filter, Air Intake, Air Filtration

Mercury Measurement and Control - Part 3 Webinar - Hot Topic Hour April 18, 2013

Technology changes in mercury capture.

Revision Date:  4/18/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, W. L. Gore, TDC Filter, Bechtel, GE, Cabot, Optimization, Fixed Bed Adsorber, Chemical Injection, Tray Tower, Activated Carbon, Mercury

A Fixed-Structure Approach to Mercury Control for Coal-fired Power Plants by John Darrow and Paul Barilla, W. L. Gore - Hot Topic Hour April 18, 2013

Paul and John described a unique approach to mercury control based on a sorbent polymer composite (SPC) material contained within a fixed-structure located in the gas stream.

Revision Date:  4/18/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, W. L. Gore, Fixed Bed Adsorber, Mercury