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HVOF Coating Case Study for Power Plant Process Control Ball Valve Applications

This is a case study of the failure of the coating on an on-off metal-seated ball valve (MSBV) used in supercritical steam lines in a power plant. The valves are exposed to rapid high-pressure and -temperature variations resulting in cracking and cohesive failure of the high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) 80/20 Cr3C2-NiCr coating. It was found that carbide precipitation is a major factor causing embrittlement of the coating.

Revision Date:  6/8/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Velan, Valve, Thermal Stress, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

Velan was a Major Valve Supplier to Barh

The Velan order for Barh, was worth more than $20 million —it included high-pressure gate, globe, and check valves as well as steam traps and other equipment totaling approximately 4,700 items, plus spares. Six of the 20˝ forged high-pressure gate valves are motor-operated, and they’re in special F91 material for 2900 class service. The plant installed the Velan patented Ultraflex™ wedge valves, an enhanced gate valve with a flexible wedge that is particularly suitable for high-temperature, high-pressure, and severe temperature-pressure cyclic service conditions. This wedge features a novel folded topology that makes it far more flexible than earlier flexible wedge designs of similar proportions, without weakening the wedge blades and detracting from its pressure-retaining function. Velan has supplied the valves to the Russian boiler manufacturer for use in the three 660 megawatt units at Barh.

Revision Date:  6/18/2019

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Velan, Valves, India