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Valmet uses the condensing scrubber technology to recover heat

Valmet wll be an exhibitor at Sox-Nox India. It has a unique approach to recover heat. There is a lot of energy in flue gas due to the water (30–60%) contained in the fuel and steamed in the boiler. This energy escapes into the environment when the water is not condensed back into a liquid. With Valmet’s advanced flue gas condensing technology, a plant can recover this energy and use it, for example, • to increase district heat capacity • save fuel • increase the overall balance while heating up the turbine condensate. Valmet offers two technologies for heat recovery • the tube condenser • the condensing scrubber • and a combination of these two (a pre-scrubber and a tube condenser).

Revision Date:  8/15/2019

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Valmet Corporation, Heat Exchanger, Scrubber