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Water Treatment for Fossil Fuel Power Generation

This report contains a technology status report with a very good overview of water and wastewater treatment processes in power plants. The report then identifies future technology trends and growth markets for treatment equipment and processes. For example, the authors see Continuous Electro Eeionisation (CEDI) with reverse osmosis replacing straight ion exchange systems for treating boiler make-up water, and continued growth in the market for membrane technologies. The report also projects continued growth in the Chinese and Indian power sectors, but sees opportunities in other regions as well.

Revision Date:  11/10/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, UK Department of Trade and Industry, Xylem, Membrane, Ion Exchange, Gravity Separator, Sludge Collector, Clarifier, Reverse Osmosis, Market Trends, Cooling Water, Boiler Make-up Water, Zero Liquid Discharge, Scrubbing, Wastewater Treatment, Water Treatment, Ultrapure