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Industrial MACT Webinar - Hot Topic Hour November 18, 2010 - Part 1

Sodium Bicarbonate, Lime, CDS and Regulations were among the Topics covered on the First Day of the Industrial MACT Webinar. In 60 days or so we will know the specific changes for the final Industrial MACT. Correction-- we will know what is final until it is changed again. Unfortunately it will be three more years to find out if litigants are successful in causing changes. However, it will take three years to install the equipment and run it long enough to make sure of compliance. So it would seem there are two choices. Litigate and gamble you won’t have to shut down your plant or go ahead with the assumption that the rule will stand. Password: hth107

Revision Date:  11/18/2010

Tags:  Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group, Trinity Consultants, Lhoist / Chemical Lime, Troutman Sanders, Solvay Chemicals, Graymont, MACT, Industrial Boiler

Utility MACT Review of Rule Status and Comments - Hot Topic Hour October 4, 2011

Three speakers addressed compliance strategies for the proposed rule, the current status of the rule and the process used to develop the proposed emission limits.

Revision Date:  10/4/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Nalco Mobotec, Trinity Consultants, Burns & McDonnell, Utility MACT

The Utility MACT - How did EPA arrive at the Floors/Limits for Existing Sources and Can we Expect Changes by Kasi Dubbs - Trinity Consultants - Hot Topic Hour October 4, 2011

Kasi Dubbs, Managing Consultant at Trinity Consultants, summarized the methods and processes used by EPA to set emission limits for the Utility MACT rule. Her presentation was particularly effective in showing the impact of EPA’s “Franken-plant” approach to setting the MACT floor. For example, of the top 20 performing units for PM, only one unit was also on the list of top 20 performing units for total suspended metals. Similarly, of the top 20 units for SO2, only one unit was also on the list of the top 20 units for HCl. She also identified other issues associated with EPA’s method for defining the “top performing 12%” of units in establishing the MACT floor.

Revision Date:  10/4/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Trinity Consultants, Utility MACT