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Preventions and Solutions for the Scale Problem at the Geothermal Power Plant and CDM Study in Indonesia

Indonesia is rich in geothermal resources and at present, it accounts for about 2.5% of the total installed capacity. However, while geothermal resources offer the potential for 20, 000MW of electricity, only 4% (787MW) has been developed in the past 20 years. The geothermal resources of the plant Dieng #1 contain a lot of Si in steam, making scales cling to steam production wells, steam tubes and steam turbines. As a consequence, at present, it only generates 40MW of electricity compared to the expected 60MW output. Despite there have been several measures taken, such as the injection of acid (which is also done in Japan) none have been effective in solving the problem. Agency for the assessment and application of technology (BPPT) asked Tohoku Electric Power Co. Inc to examine the scale problem in the plant through its overseas projects.

Revision Date:  1/6/2012

Tags:  221116 - Geothermal Power , Tohoku Electric Power, Silica Scale, Water Treatment, Indonesia