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Thermax supplies ZLD systems which take into account site specific factors

Considering the high operating cost of the ZLD system, it is important to maximize recovery before the ZLD. Selection of proper unit operations and processes can minimize waste generation. Advanced Technologies like EDR can also be effectively used depending upon the effluent characteristics to maximize the recovery. A good zero liquid discharge system forms a successful shape when these selection checks are considered. Thermax Limited has successfully supplied ZLD plants in various segments like automobile, brewery, pharmaceutical, textile, chemical, etc. Few of the supplied installations are running successfully for more than ten years.

Revision Date:  7/2/2019

Tags:  325000 - Chemical Manufacturing , 325412 - Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing , , Thermax, ZLD System, Zero Liquid Discharge

Thermax supplies power plants for waste fuels

Thermax has designed a boiler that will generate steam and power using highly polluting distillery waste – spent wash – as fuel. The first such boiler was supplied to a distillery in Karnataka. Distilleries can be highly polluting as 88% of their raw materials result in waste, which is discharged into fields and water bodies. Spent wash is one of the polluting byproducts of the distilling process in molasses-based plants. This brownish liquid waste is spewed out in large quantities; a typical distillery generates about 1,000t every day. Earlier, this waste used to be treated by bio-methanation (producing biogas to be used as fuel in boilers) or converted to manure through bio composting. However, both methods have their drawbacks. Large quantities of waste still remain after biogas production, posing a serious threat to local water bodies; and bio-composting is hampered by the requirement of large tracts of land and by rains that spread pollution. Although Thermax has extensive experience in burning a wide array of waste fuels, spent wash brought its unique set of vexing problems for the boiler and heater group. Besides the high moisture content, spent wash is highly corrosive and contains melting material that makes combustion difficult. These issues were sorted out after extensive R&D trials, and with coal as a support fuel, the 23 TPH Thermax boiler successfully incinerates the spent wash at the Karnataka distillery. An evaporator concentrates the 1,000t waste to around 200t before it is fed into the boiler. Steam from the boiler is used in the distillery processes and also co-generates 2MW of power. This ended its dependence on the power grid.

Revision Date:  7/2/2019

Tags:  312120 - Breweries , Thermax, Boiler, Evaporator, Distillation

Thermax supplies power plants burning a variety of fuels

Thermax supplied the first ever biomass based IPP set, under the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, India.

Revision Date:  7/2/2019

Tags:  221117 - Biomass Power , Thermax, Fuels, Philippines, India

Heat recovery systems for a power plant: PT Bekasi Power, Indonesia

The heat recovery steam generators supplied by Thermax are an integral part of the 130 MW combined cycle power plant set up by PT Bekasi Power, Jakarta. The supplementary fired HRSGs (each of 85 TPH) installed behind two gas turbines and a steam generator converts the waste heat into steam which in turn generates power. Thermax HRSGs have also been installed in projects in several other countries including India, Algeria and the Netherlands. PT Bekasi Power is a power plant located in West Java, Indonesia. It is a subsidiary of PT Jababeka Tbk which was established in 2007. As a 130 MW power plant generated by steam and gas (PLTGU), it strengthens Bekasi – Karawang electricity system through Cibatu substation owned by PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN).

Revision Date:  7/2/2019

Tags:  Thermax, Gas Turbines, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Combined Cycle, Indonesia