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EGU MATS Compliance - HgCEM Systems Challenges and Opportunities by Karl Wilber, Tekran Instruments - Hot Topic Hour March 5, 2015

Karl provided insights from the considerable experience his company has gained in selling and maintaining mercury CEMS.

Revision Date:  3/6/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Tekran Instruments, Continuous Emissions Monitor, Analyzer

Mercury Measurement & Capture Webinar - Hot Topic Hour March 5, 2015

The session unveiled important new information on mercury measurement and control.

Revision Date:  3/5/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Tekran Instruments, ALL BLUE, Carbonxt, Dekoron/Unitherm, Continuous Emissions Monitor, Analyzer, Sorbent Trap, Sampling Line, Activated Carbon

CEMS for MACT and MATS Compliance Webinar - Hot Topic Hour April 16, 2015

Testing and monitoring challenges under MATS will be substantial, so will the cost.

Revision Date:  4/16/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, PCME, Land/AMETEK, Novinda, Tekran Instruments, Montrose Environmental, Continuous Emissions Monitor, Testing, Particulates

HgCEMS for EGU MATS and PC MACT Compliance by Karl Wilber, Tekran Instruments - Hot Topic Hour April 16, 2015

Mercury CEMS are less expensive than sorbent traps over time. Stack CEMS with additional sample lines can be used for process measurement.

Revision Date:  4/16/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Tekran Instruments, Continuous Emissions Monitor

Tekran Perspectives on NESHAPS Docket Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATA) results submitted to EPA.

Less restrictive mercury RATA tolerance proposed.

Revision Date:  4/16/2015

Tags:  Tekran Instruments, MATS, Mercury, Testing, Regulation