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New FGD & DeNOx Approaches - Webinar April 7, 2011

Discussion on the current "state of the art" for FGD and DeNOx systems, the capabilities and limitations of current control systems and technology, the latest advancements in control technology being developed or tested and what still needs to be done to allow the utility industry to comply with the coming MACT and the other regulations.

Revision Date:  4/7/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, CoaLogix, FMC Corporation, Johnson Matthey, Sulzer Ltd., Graymont, Lime, Static Mixer, Circulating Dry Scrubber, Hydrogen Peroxide, Catalyst Maintenance

Static Mixers for Flue Gas Treatment Applications by Sebastian Hirschberg, Sulzer - Hot Topic Hour April 7, 2011

Dr. Sebastian Hirschberg, Manager of R&D Energy and Environment, Mixing and Reaction Technology at Sulzer Chemtech Ltd, called in from Switzerland describing how power plant operators can improve SCR reactor performance and save money by installing and using Sulzer static mixers. The primary point of his presentation was that properly designed static mixers with CFD modeling can eliminate the need for injection lances with their problems, while increasing catalyst life, improving NOx reduction and reducing pressure drop. An arc wire coating is also available to increase the service life in highly abrasive environments. There are over 35 plants in the U.S. using these Sulzer mixers.

Revision Date:  4/7/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Sulzer Ltd., Static Mixer

Sulzer Signs JV Agreement with China Huadian Corp for the Service of Gas Turbines

On March 7, Sulzer signed an agreement to form a joint venture with China Huadian Corporation for the service of gas turbines including field service, component repair, and delivery of new capital parts. The new joint venture will operate under the name of Hua Rui (Jiangsu) Gas Turbine Services Co., Ltd. For Sulzer, this is a unique opportunity to become a major player for rotating equipment service in China's power market.

Revision Date:  6/5/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Hua Rui Gas Turbine Services, Sulzer Ltd., Gas Turbine, Service & Repair, China

Sulzer SCR Mixing and Other Mixing Equipment

Sulzer has a range of flow control and treatment products including a mixer which evenly distributes ammonia in the ductwork prior to an SCR.

Revision Date:  8/17/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Sulzer Ltd., Mixer, SCR, Ammonia Injection, Nox Control