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Electric actuators should be considered for BFR valves - Rexa

The Boiler Feedwater Recirculation (BFR) Valve, protects the plant’s investment in the boiler feedpump while still allowing the feedpump to deliver the required flow to the boiler. Depending upon plant type and design, the feedwater recirculation valve sees upstream pressure in the 2500-4500PSI range, and is responsible for taking almost a full pressure drop across the valve. Since this valve is usually closed during normal operation of the plant, the valve is typically designed for Class V shutoff, and needs to fail open on loss of power. Electric actuators have a number of advantages which have been demonstrated by a quik ROI when they replaced pneumatic actuators on this application.

Revision Date:  3/22/2017

Tags:  221118 - Other Electric Power , Rexa Inc., Steam, High Performance Valve