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Ovivo condensate polishing system is installed at large South African Power plant

The Eskom Medupi Power plant has installed an Ovivo Condensate Polishing Plant (CPP) at all six coal fired units. The CPP is designed to produce treated condensate with cation conductivity less than 0.1 μS/cm, chloride less than 1 μg/l (less than 1 ppb) and silica less than 5 μg/l (less than 5 ppb). The CPP treats 100 per cent of the condensate flow under normal operating conditions. This removes iron and copper corrosion products, as well as dissolved cationic and anionic impurities, while allowing ammonia ions to pass through, when operated in the ammonia cycle, maintaining a high pH to protect the condenser. The first stage of condensate polishing utilizes cartridge filters to remove most of the particulates.

Revision Date:  11/14/2016

Tags:  Ovivo Inc, Cartridge, Condensate Polishing, Ion Exchange