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Bag Filter Performance Analyzer - June 9, 2008

The Midwesco analyzer system is more than a broken bag detector. It is a way to manage filter performance.

Revision Date:  6/9/2008

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Midwesco, McIlvaine, Fabric Filter, Broken Bag Detector, Air Quality, Optimization, Maintenance, Performance, Particulates

Fabric Selection for Coal-fired Boilers Webinar - Hot Topic Hour October 28, 2010

A large group of attendees heard five very good presentations related to the selection of the best filter media to meet the various coming regulations for PM2.5. Attendees agreed that the fundamental filtration capability of the vast majority of fabrics available today, as measured by laboratory tests, far exceeds any existing or expected emission control requirement and the performance of many is below the minimum detectable limit of the test methods. Several presenters pointed out that while the results of these evaluations can be a good guide for filter efficiency and pressure drop, the actual performance of filter material will rarely achieve the levels seen in these tests. This is because the actual performance is dependent on many factors related to the specific site conditions. This causes a concern in the industry that regulators will assume that lab test results are indicative of actual performance and expect the same performance at every installation. Dr. McKenna indicated that because filter media performance was so good, future enforcement will most likely be focused on plant baghouse O&M. He also stated that it will be important to demonstrate what aspects of O&M plans are practical and valuable, so that regulators do not make these plans an operational nightmare.

Revision Date:  10/28/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Toray Fluorofibers, Midwesco, ETS, EPSCO, W. L. Gore

Filter Selection by Tom Anderson, Midwesco - Hot Topic Hour October 28, 2010

Tom Anderson of Midwesco Filter Resources TDC Filter emphasized that a user should select the filter media that gives the lowest lifetime cost and meets the efficiency requirements. He also provided many recommended installation and operational dos and don’ts for achieving optimum baghouse operation.

Revision Date:  10/28/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Midwesco, Cartridge, Operation

Biography of Tom Anderson - Midwesco - Hot Topic Hour October 28, 2010

BIO: Tom Anderson has a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with 20 years of experience in running a battery plant.  Tom was successful in implementing and maintaining the first BACT program for the battery industry.  Tom also sat on the board to write the EPA legislation on Lead in 1974.  Tom's experience with the battery and lead industry led into a career path of baghouse and dust collection where he owned his own business.  Midwesco purchased his business in 1998 and currently utilizes Tom's experience in pleated and filter bag medias to expand its market share.

Revision Date:  10/28/2010

Tags:  Midwesco