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B&W Volund to Build Waste to Energy Plant in Sweden

The Babcock & Wilcox subsidiary, Babcock & Wilcox Vølund A/S (B&W Vølund), has been awarded a contract worth more than $30 million to design and supply a boiler, combustion system, emissions control components and other equipment for the expansion of a waste-to-energy, combined heat and power plant in Lidköping, Sweden. The waste-to-energy plant, owned by Lidköping Värmeverk AB, produces electricity, hot water and district heating. Engineering work is currently underway. The project is scheduled for completion in early 2013. This posting is courtesy of Industeel, a supplier of steel for boilers and other power plant components.

Revision Date:  5/25/2011

Tags:  221118 - Other Electric Power , Lidkoping Varmewerk AB, Babcock & Wilcox, Industeel, Fabric Filter, Boiler, Air Quality, Combustion